Hive is 0.32 USD ,
HBD is 1.01 USD
On July 4th 2024, HIVE was $0.166 USD, which was a 'low' for sure. Since then, HIVE has risen to a recent high of $0.4339 USD, with a market cap of $187,426,201 USD. What is next for Hive in 2025? The last Hive Financial Report from @Arcange from December 1st 2024 reveals the Declining Debt ratio (14% to under 8%), and that just 40% of the HIVE supply is Liquid, just 184,499,640 HIVE!
You can swap 10 HIVE for 3.985 HBD,
or 0.398007 HBD for 10 HIVE tonight.
For perspective, that is enough for 1,229,997 accounts to power up 150 HP, 368,999.28 to power up 500HP, or 36,899 to power up 5000 HP. If HIVE has about 8% inflation, around 40 million new Hive created per year, which is enough for about 80,000 more accounts powering up 500 HP yearly.
At current rates, we onboard about 80,000 new active users every 761.9 days.
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