"Crew of the mighty Frigate Silverton" – 21AP24 - 'Tar Hail! All Hands on Deck!!'

in leofinance •  2 months ago


    "Tar Hail! All hands on deck for a special announcement from the Captain!" 🗣️ - Mr. Geese

    "At ease men....

    Ahh hav called thes emergency assembly oan th' main deck tae make an important annooncement. Loon Tipper has brooght tae me attention some forward information 'att is comin' doon th' pipeline, but isnae yit knoon tae th' crew...

    It is highly likely 'att by Friday o' thes comin' week we will hav at leest tois majur promotions! 🔷🔷 That's reit, an' possibly e'en some minur promotions🔹🔹 in th' ship's ranks tay. Thes will be a challenge fur uir ship's treasury. Tae prepaur fur thes challenge, Ahh hav ordered one thing tae be sit in motion, an' requested anither...

    • First, thes week's Top Fife awards will be greatly reduced. Me hiner is 'att by daein' thes Ahh will be able tae honur uir promotions wi' th' proper pay grade bonuses. (Ahh dae tak' promotions huir uv a serioosly an' ye shoods tay!)

    • Secondly, Ahh'm makin' a request. If ye ever hud it in yer heart tae up yer donations, thes woods be an ideal time tae dae it! Every copper coonts!

    Followin' these tois avenues o' preperation, me hiner is 'att we can git ben thes financial pinch quickly an' move oan wi' uir mission!

    That's aw. Noo git back tae wark aw' o' ye!" 🤨 -Keptin


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