EDSvote update #44 | Rewards are being stacked and will be backpaid

in leofinance •  5 months ago

    Welcome all to this week's EDSvote update where we look at a range of different things. Please follow the @eddie-earner account to make sure all our reports are going into your feed and you can easily stay updated on your investment.


    What is EDSvote?
    Eds-vote is an account that people can delegate HIVE POWER to. In return for their delegation, they will receive EDS tokens each Monday.

    The delegated HP will be used to curate content on HIVE and provide small upvotes for those that hold over 100 EDS tokens. Delegating HIVE POWER to @eds-vote will not result in an upvote. This is not a delegation to upvote service. It is a way to distribute the remaining reallocated EDS into circulation.

    What are EDS tokens?
    EDS tokens are HIVE income tokens that are pegged and backed to 1 HIVE each. They pay out weekly dividends every Monday based on 12% of the total powered-up HIVE balance of the @eddie-earner account. This is currently paying out an APY to token holders of roughly 35%.

    How does it work?



    For full details, please see How EDSvote works and How EDSvote affects the EDS APY long over the next 25 years


    Report #44


    Let's have a look at the numbers in chart form as this is the best way to see performance and predict the future.


    Incoming HP delegations have remained the same as last week. I see in the 2 days since updating the above chart, we've lost 2-3k HP which is a bummer. Cant be surprised when we've not been able to issue eds-vote rewards for the past 2 weeks. If not for this reason, people undelegating happens as they might need that HP for something else.

    We are floating around the 120k hit which is decent, we'll earn just under 200 HP from curation which is about our benchmark atm so im hoping we dont lose much more or we can gain a bunch first.


    The curation APY is very good this good this week. This is a result of rewards from 125k into now HP of 122k. On top that notice the voting power on the account has been declining, more people have been posting i guess. The VP remains at around 88% which is still good but i like to be between 90-95%.


    The total earned from curation this week was 226 HP. Last week we had the same HP being delegated in and earned 212 HP so more votes being done for sure. If we can keep this up, we'll be powering up near 12k HP to @eddie-earner each year which is a decent whack when we consider the EDS HP balance is currently 112k.

    In a nutshell, @eds-vote alone will increase @eddie-earner's HP balance by 10.5% over the next year from curation rewards.


    113 EDS minted this week from eds-vote. If we can stay over 100 a week, i'd be very happy.



    I am sure a few are wondering about @eds-vote rewards and why you have not received any for the past 2 weeks. I am sure you are aware of the problems HIVE SQL is having. This is basically a database our bot has to read to see who is delegating HP to @eds-vote. When the bot can not read it, the bot can issue rewards.

    I have continued to mint and send EDS to the @eds-vote account and when rewards start to be issued again, all back owed EDS will be paid out on the 1st payment.

    The coder is currently working on using a different API but this API will only let us read live data meaning if you undelegate your HP before the payments restart, you will miss out on any rewards you have built up to date for the past 2 weeks. Word on the street is its going to take another week to get HIVE SQL back up and running and even at that, this is not a certain thing to happen. We could wait but the coder would prefer to make his own solution in the meantime and I agree with him. 1 week can turn into 2-3 weeks easy in crypto land and we need to start getting EDS rewards shipped out again. Timeframe, if all goes well. Under a week but dont hold me to that.

    Apart from all that about rewards, things are going ok. We've lost 13-14k of HP delegations the past 3 weeks but we're still alive, kicking and minting over 100 EDS a week.


    Thank you for taking the time to read through this
    If you have any questions are would like to leave some feedback, please do so below and I'll get back to you at some point soon.

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