⛵ ⛵ ⛵ ⛵...(Tour of "High Island")...Continued...
[Last time...]
Outside...Kerrisl stopped in her tracks, glancing back towards the sudden noise!
"Sail room!" She whispered as she glanced up at Bleujay and Tamara with one raised eyebrow. Slowly…she led the way back to the open door. (See: https://hive.blog/silvergoldstackers/@joshuaslane/silver-adventures-captain-joshua-slane-23ja25-ready-yourselves-mates )
[On the Silverton...in the Galley...]
“Ahh was startin' tae wonder whaur ye went…” Cockpit Mate Pocketechange said to Standing Officer-Boatswain Trumpman as Trumpman walked over to the officers table gave a quick salute as he sat down.
“Ahh’ve bin up-top wi' th' Keptin…”
“Ahh hiner aw’ is weel?” Pocketechange said as he took a sip of hot coffee.
“As weel as it can be Ahh guess…but it’s creepy Sairrr!”
“Hoo sae mate?”
“Th' crew is oan-board th' Corvette, but there’s nae soond, nae yellin', nae one jumpin' ower th' rail!”
“Naethin'!” Trumpman replied in a serious tone as he took a bite out of his plain.
“Mebbe thaur ur nae pirates?” Pocketechange offered.
“That’s whit Ahh speart, but th' Keptin disagreed! Said he wants ‘em captured ur deid!”
“He said ‘att?”
“Aye he did! It’s mingin' business Ahh teels ye!”
Just then, the galley went quiet as the muffled echo of a musket blast sounded! Then another….then two more…then another, and another!
<<< Boom!...Boom!...Boom-Boom!...Boom!...Boom! >>>
“Cat’s tails!” Pocketechange exclaimed as he dropped his mug and jumped up from the table with Trumpman right behind him!
The captain took a long, deep breath as the musket-fire echoed across the cold, dark waters of Great Lake Ontario!
“Bloody heel!” He muttered to himself as he slapped the longscope shut and leaned over the bridge rail and shouted down to a group of seamen standing at the portside…
“Yoo thaur! Rin doon an' git Lieutenant Kevmcc oan th' dooble!”
Seamen Retrodroid, Darth-cryptic and Darth-azrael jumped at the sudden command from the officer’s bridge!
“Aye, aye Sairrr!” Retrodroid called back, “Right away Sairrr!”
The three seamen quickly raced towards the galley stairs as two more musket blasts sounded across the waves…
⛵ ⛵ ⛵ ⛵
📝 Note: "If th' Toor o' High Islain' has caught yer intrest, all o' me stoatin' adventures kin be foond by searchin':
Silver Adventures of Captain Joshua Slane
Oan yer 'Hife Search tool' an' sae forth." 😉 -Keptin
⛵ ⛵ ⛵ ⛵
References: - Pictures from: www.freeimages.com, www.pexels.com, pixabay.com, Hive.blog, Wikipedia an’ www.google.com/maps. Data also loosely interpretted froms: historica.fandom.com, Wikipedia, an' sometimes finely crafted reit from th' author's extensiff personal experience an' such.
🐠 🐠 🐠 🐠
"Confused? Ascared? Seasick? Need tae gab with th' Keptin?- Skelp th' 'Reply' button muckers!" - Keptin
📝 "Remember maties, bein' crew oan th' mighty Frigate Silverton ⛵ is a sure cure fur loneliness! We sail together...ur nae at aw!" 🙌🏼🤝👲🏼🥷🏼👩🏼🍳👨🏼🔧👨🏼💼🧑🏼🎨🧕🏼🤵🏼♂️🤵🏼♂️🦹🏼💁🏼🙋🏼♀️👩🏼🍳🤴🏼👮🏼♂️💂🏼♂️🕵🏼👨🏼⚕️ 😉 -Keptin