Sarcasm Sunday #39 - It's Been A Long Year... Without You My Fren'

in leofinance •  5 months ago

    It's been a long year without the bull market, and I am looking forward to see it again! The crypto roller-coaster never stops, and some are too deep down the rabbit hole!

    I am trying since 2022 to reduce the hustle, stress less, cut the workload ... but I always end up on new chains and new protocols. I keep touching grass but the stress levels are too high for instant effect. I need six month of technology rehab, somewhere in a cave!

    At least nature keeps surprising us with amazing events, and I must admit that some are mind-blowing. We had Aurora Borealis in the summer, visible from many places in Europe. The event was visible for few nights, and the views were breathtaking.


    Back to our missing friend... the bull! No one seen it since 2022, and some believe that the end of this year will mark a comeback more glorious than "The Return Of The Jedi"! Until then... press play and read! I give you saracasm!

    _It's been a long year... without the bull market! _
    And I'll tell you all about it when I will see it again
    We've come a long way, from where we began
    _Oh, I'll tell you all about when the prices will bloom! _

    The "Buy The Dip" movement starts every time the market bleeds, but the truth is that not many got rich from buying the dip. Most times... the dip keeps deeping! It's better to HODL long term and set a cash out price!

    Did you buy the dip? Yes? How much did you make? Usually negative values! Stop listening to crypto gurus on X and DYOR some fresh projects. Dive early into new protocols that have an innovative roadmap and enjoy the ride.


    Those 100x memecoin pumps are like the Aurora Borealis! Most of the people heard about it, lots know how they look, but only few are there to see them. You must be at the right place and the right time to catch a memecoin before it goes ballistic!

    Sometimes, but only sometimes... the "Lights" are visible for everyone! This picture was taken from my garden, and the time was 1AM but so bright! What's the point? Don't follow trends and wait for the right opportunity! You may miss it if you sleep!


    I am trying to be more healthy and eat better, because the hustle in the Cryptoverse is draining all my energy. I started eating more greens, and removed deep fried stuff from my menu. I discovered tofu, kale, avocado and other types of strange vegetables.

    Buying the perfect avocado requires both experience and luck! You don't want it too hard, but you don't want it too mushy! There's an unique feeling when you find the perfect avocado at the supermarket! It does look like a dragon egg not that I am thinking about it!


    You know what else has dragon-size legs? The mighty turkey! I bought one drumstick from the shop and had nearly two kilograms! Any bigger and I would have struggle to fit it in to oven!

    In season it with garlic, fresh rosemary from my garden, and rub it well with butter, herb and spices! This was magnificent, and fed the whole family! Strongly recommend swapping the old chicken with turkey!


    It's been a long time since I had a worst deal then when I've invested in $VERSE! Back then I spent 1 BCH to buy a bag of $VERSE, and this two cryptos went into different directions.

    At the time, BCH was $80 and went up since then... keeping close to $500 most of the time! However, the $VERSE tokens went downhill! The initial investment of $80 is now worth a fiver, and keeps diving more and more. Slow rug or just a useless token?

    I was happy when Layer3 had a quest that involved $VERSE, because I could skip the part when I was required to buy this shitty tokens. I used my stash of shitcoins to mint this NFT, and got some Epic traits. Still an useless NFT but at least I've completed the quest!


    Oh... sarcasm! There's no bigger joke than the 32,982 PODS I am having from Beanstalk! I finished 8th in a poker tournament that seen thousands joining, and this prize was massive! Those PODS were supposed to turn into $BEANS in few weeks... if life would be fair!

    BEANS was/is a stablecoin, and my poker prize was supposed to turn into $33,000 if crypto wouldn't be wild. Beanstalk got hacked, but they managed to bounce back. However, this deal for survival included adding investors in front of the que, and my PODS will mature in about 100 years! Laughable!


    Want more drama? Found an old excel doc with my crypto holdings from heydays. I think is between 2015 and 2016, and sold most of them at low. I know I've swapped some for stupid coins like Golem or Maid, and others that rugged and died.

    Yes anon..I had 6.75 BTC and 810 ETH back in the days. Wanna do the mats and see how much was 204 Litecoin at All-Time High? What about 303 Monero or 573 Zcash? Think about BCH at the current $300 price, and join me in my depression! Had 1916 Bitcoin Cash and done some bad investments!

    I was a degen even before being a degen was a thing! I could have been a crypto millionaire now, but I "choose" to be a memelord! Life goes on... and life keeps punching us until we are flat on the canvas!


    Boom! Did you laugh? Sadness is often hidden behind a smile! Go google the Pagliacci joke and thing about it! Take care of your body and soul, and don't ignore your mental health! Keep positive and go touch some grass! PVM out!

    It's Been A Long Year... Without You My Fren'


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