SuperUMANs #76 - UMfluencer Program March Review

in leofinance •  3 months ago

    The UMfluencers Program started in September 2023, with a vision that wanted to enhance the UMA ecosystem and the general blockchain awareness. The aim was to create a group that was able share their knowledge about UMA tools and products, amplify UMA posts, and maintain UMA’s topics trending on Twitter.

    UMA posts and general discussions regarding UMA tools required a “human touch”, as the engagement was generally between top names in the Cryptoverse. Now it's your turn to fill the gap!

    This could be intimidating for the common user, and the UMfluencers are the ones that could fill the gap. The UMfluencer is defined as a crypto savvy person, with a good reputation in the social media space.


    How to start?

    • Claim the UMfluencer role in the UMA Discord
    • Write threads following the monthly topics
    • Share the threads in the dedicated channel
    • Add the number of impressions at the end of the month

    There will be a shift in targets for 2024, and the aim will be on both quality and quantity. Each UMfluencer will share their content to their own pool of followers, and slowly build a network with the other UMfluencers.

    All entries that score more than 1000 impressions on Twitter will receive one extra point. Another point will be added for the threads going above this and reaching 3,000 impressions. The maximum bonus for visibility is set at 3 points, for the content that goes above 5,000 impressions on Twitter. To check the impression click “analytics” on the tweet! No screenshot = No points!

    Top 20 emoji votes & impressions:

    • 1st place = 5 points
    • 2nd - 5th = 4 points
    • 6th-10th = 3 points
    • 11th-15th = 2 points
    • 15th-20th = 1 point

    The point system will evaluate content, while resisting attacks and attempts to game the system. We are an optimistic community, and we see the best in people! However, any attempt that goes against the fair-play of the campaign will lead to disqualification.

    Threads must pass the Quality Audit to be eligible for rewards. How will the thread's quality be assessed? A good thread will be considered one that has above 5 points obtained during internal audits. Read the UMfluencers Program Season Two article for an in-detail explanation. The best threads will receive points based on the quality, with design, art and memes bringing a bonus.

    • 3x4 points Ambassador votes
    • 3x3 points Ambassador votes
    • 3x2 points Ambassador votes
    • 3x2 point for memes
    • 3x2 point for art/creativity
    • 3 points for covering the monthly topic


    March brought a split win, with Christina and Kurapika having the same number of points on top of the leaderboard. Both were rewarded with 42 UMA and our gratitude! Infinity earned the third place and 35 UMA, followed by Idksamad, Smarty and Perry.

    Do you think you have the threadooor skills to challenge the OGs? There is enough UMA for everyone! Those that are not in the prize places will have another chance to win! Each thread written in the current month grants a ticket for the Lucky Wheel. Two lucky UMfluencers will win 5 UMA each, and there's no limitation on how many tickets an user can earn.

    The topics for April are:

    • Across - Across V3, Linea added as a bridge destination, or new chains
    • UMA: Oval, MEV and OEV capture
    • UMA: oSnap integrations, including Arbitrum DAO


    Total impressions in March? The Umfluencers reached 120,000 views on Twitter, and the new target is set at 150k. The prize pool was stretched even more, to maintain both fairness and a competitive synergy. Please note that one UMfluencer can win only one prize based on his place in the leaderboard, for the thread that accumulates the highest number of points.

    There are 12 prizes allocated for April, with the top UMfluencer reward set at 45 UMA. The runner-up will be rewarded with 40 UMA, the third place with 35 UMA, and the forth place will receive 30 UMA. It will go down to 25, 20, 15,12, 9, and will end with 6 UMA for the UMfluencer on the 10th place. Everyone who's not placed will go into the Lucky Wheel, with one ticket for each thread summited.


    Residual Income:

    Play2Earn: Upland / Splinterlands / ++Doctor Who++

    Cashback Cards: Plutus Card /

    Fountains: PipeFlare / GlobalHive ZCash

    Creators bundle: Publish0x, Hive & Presearch

    PVMihalache The Author - My Amazon Books


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