People who always have no hesitation in changing their words for themselves

in leofinance •  3 months ago


    The way (Candidate Won Hee-ryong) sees us has changed a lot, he said. "When he was the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, he clearly told us at the crematorium of the late Park 00, the first victim of Incheon (due to damage from a chartered plane), that he would take measures for relief and post-procedure, and that agencies would consider more options for the timing and procedure."

    Such a person reversed his words like a palm flip, saying, "You can't set a precedent for the state to come forward in all fraud cases," "All fraud cases are equal," and "How do you invest in stocks or voice phishing?" he said. "I know that politics also has feelings, and I think politicians should be responsible for what they say."

    Representative Kang said, "Candidate Won never showed the victims of the jeonse fraud that he was responsible for what he said, but he made fun of the victims. He became a candidate for the National Assembly, saying that he represents the people's and the local community's public sentiment, and we cannot overlook that he will run in Incheon, especially Gyeyang-gu, where there is a lot of damage from jeonse fraud."

    "Candidate Won asked us to make a sincere apology to the victims of the jeonse fraud, so that we can stop the task force." He also briefly mentioned the possibility of Won's violation of the election law.

    When I (one person) demonstrated in front of candidate Won Hee-ryong, he said, 'The government is to blame for the jeonse fraud,' and he said, 'I was surprised again because the Moon Jae In government was to blame.' He also said, "If you give the Moon Jae In government back to us, we will hold the Moon Jae In government accountable and demand support measures."

    Lastly, Chairman Ahn said, "Jeonse fraud is a representative public welfare and a social disaster that threatens the basic rights and housing rights of the people," and added, "If those who came out to represent the people's position and make policies treat representative public welfare as malicious complaints, they know the people as stupid, please apologize."

    Previously, he said he would come up with measures for the victim,
    Later, they completely change their words, and they are the ones who ring the victim twice.

    The victims are innocent.

    However, our society looks at it as if they have committed some great crime.

    We need to change this so that our society can take a step further.

    About problems arising from institutional deficiencies
    It's simple for everyone to know that we need to reflect and improve.

    If I had said honestly from the beginning, "I can't do it. In principle, this and that."
    They're not going to feel this much loss.

    If you think you said it wrong at first, you should apologize from the bottom of your heart.

    Everyone knows that people are not perfect.
    Even now, you will have to sincerely apologize and ask for forgiveness.

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