Another Multi-Billion Aid Package

in leofinance •  5 months ago

    The Senate recently passed another $95 billion aid package and it's unlikely you'd find plenty of support for the measure given the widespread suffering that many are facing with the high cost of living these days and preference for money to be spent on more important things at home, like health services, education, road upkeep, and other projects.

    a black hole of consumption

    It's easy it seems for representatives to spend other people's money because they continue to send billions upon billions of it to endeavors that don't seem to be reaping any benefit aside from continually needing more and more.

    What good is the money doing?

    Why are these issues overseas more important than ones at home? With a country that is so far in debt they aren't able to afford to be this "charitable" but that doesn't seem to slow them down any.

    Wonder if this might have any consequences for future economic prosperity at home? After all, there isn't an unlimited supply of funding to go around is there? Where is all of that money coming from? Why don't Americans have more of a say in how and where the money is being spent? So far they've racked up tens of trillions in debt and it continues to grow, prompting some to wonder if they know just what they are doing? Is this incompetence fueling these horrible decisions or might it be something else? Surely, they wouldn't want to bring about worse economic conditions at home would they, what would be the purpose of that?

    Representatives seem unquestioning in their preference for making moves which sell the people out down the road for yet another arguably unnecessary aid package. Whether or not the people agree or like the wasteful spending we continue to see it happen again and again.

    Meanwhile there are a myriad of services and communities being neglected back at home, so perhaps those being arguably mindless in spending are only proving that they aren't fit for the position seeing as they don't prioritize needs at home first and are so keen on being wasteful with valuable resources.

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