Stock Market: Number Go Up

in leofinance •  last month

    Its funny that the "number go up" phrase was really popularized by crypto given the U.S. stock market is the epitome of it.

    Yes, the market does go down a bit from time to time, but outside of the crashes, number just grinds up.

    New Highs Again This Week

    Granted the S&P 500 did not close at new highs, but it clocked a new high during the week, yet again.

    It's so easy a caveman can do it apparently. Thinking is the enemy. Baffling to me.

    I supposed at the end of the day there are a number of things that go into the market ever rising over the ling run.

    401K $$$

    Think about this - there are millions are employees who have a 401K and each paycheck money goes into ther 401K on autopilot.

    Where does that money go? That is right - it gets invested in things like stocks and bonds.

    Lets get real though, the majority goes into stocks.

    I know a ton of people near retirement still plowing the majority of their 401K money into stock based mutual funds and ETFs, even with the rise of interest rates making bonds atleast a little bit appealing.

    I supposed I overthink and should have just blindly putting money into the stock market all these years, the hell with valuations and things like that HAHAHA.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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