EDSvote update #52 | 240k HP Beast! πŸš€ | Year 1 is a Wrap Folks πŸ€‘

in leofinance β€’Β  3 months ago

    Welcome all to this week's EDSvote update where we look at a range of different things. Please follow the @eddie-earner account to make sure all our reports are going into your feed and you can easily stay updated on your investment.


    What is EDSvote?
    Eds-vote is an account that people can delegate HIVE POWER to. In return for their delegation, they will receive EDS tokens each Monday.

    The delegated HP will be used to curate content on HIVE and provide small upvotes for those that hold over 100 EDS tokens. Delegating HIVE POWER to @eds-vote will not result in an upvote. This is not a delegation to upvote service. It is a way to distribute the remaining reallocated EDS into circulation.

    What are EDS tokens?
    EDS tokens are HIVE income tokens that are pegged and backed to 1 HIVE each. They pay out weekly dividends every Monday based on 12% of the total powered-up HIVE balance of the @eddie-earner account. This is currently paying out an APY to token holders of roughly 35%.

    How does it work?



    For full details, please see How EDSvote works and How EDSvote affects the EDS APY long over the next 25 years


    Report #1


    Let's have a look at the numbers in chart form as this is the best way to see performance and predict the future.


    What a way to finish the year? We received a 100k HP delegation from SPI and we're pushing 245k of incoming HP delegations. It gets even better because since filling out this report, we've received another massive delegation for 20k HP from a user called @therealyme so shout out to them 😘. The @eds-vote account currently has 266k being delegated in. I mean that's just impressive!


    The curation APY this week has tanked because this is last week's curation rewards based on this week's incoming HP balance. Next week we will be back up toward 7-8% and in 2 weeks time, we'll be back to normal. If we were to lose a big delegation, we'd see the APY spike.

    Case Example: We've had a 30k delegation come and leave twice and you can see these weeks on the chart, we can see the weeks we received it (16 & 28) because of the APY drop and the weeks the delegation was pulled back (21 & 35) because the APY spiked.


    HP rewards this week were decent at a total of 214. Of course next week this will be over 250 HP no question and soon we'll be able to start bigger power-downs and feed more into @eddie-earner.


    We minted and issued 107.39 EDS this week. You might have noticed you received less EDS than you normally would, this is the for the same reason the APY dropped. You might not have noticed but if you did, that explains why. Next week, we'll be back up to speed and all being well minting closer to 150 EDS.


    Round Up

    Well, crap on a stick. I knew this week would be good because of the 100k delegation but the new 20k delegation shocked me a little and in a very good way. @shanibeer has some competition to be the undisputed biggest delegator (SPI is a collective).

    So you will notice that upvotes will have increased. I will need to cut down the percentages a little because the voting power is getting hit but everyones upvotes will still be larger than before. One of the reasons why SPI can delegate 100k without much thought is because everyone wins, EDS@vote delegators, EDS token holders, EDS itself and SPI all win. I live on the philosophy of helping others to help yourself and it's working out ok so far for me.

    Oh, @eds-vote is 1 year old!
    Holy crap, that went in quickly. Can you believe it? What were our projections for year 1?

    I cant remember but I dont think they were 260k HP, baa-haha. We've now doubled in the past week and when curation rewards are fully up to date in 2 weeks time, we'll be earning roughly 400 HP from curation and minting 200 EDS tokens each week. Thats over 10k EDS per year. EDS miners mint 15k EDS per year and to be honest, I never thought @eds-vote would come close to that but we did it and im sure we'll continue to grow.

    We start year 2 on a massive high and im going to have to go and check the Excel sheet and see what impact this surge of new income will have on shortening the EDS flip. Doubling up @eds-vote will likely shave months off the flip, maybe even over a year.

    Thank you to everyone who has shown EDS and @eds-vote and @eds-d some love are alot of love. We're really growing something amazing here and im happy that 70-80 HIVER's can see the end goal for EDS and support it.

    To another great year of growth for @eds-vote!


    Thank you for taking the time to read through this
    If you have any questions are would like to leave some feedback, please do so below and I'll get back to you at some point soon.

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