Vintage Silver - Unknown Raytel X-Ray round

in leo •  4 months ago


    Collection Highlights -

    Today's silver highlight is a bit of an odd one. It appears no matter how much research I tried to do into this one, it doesn't really go anywhere and I don't even have any leads. I was able to find one similar round celebrating William Vaughn Rotogen. The round that is linked below has a different reverse, but was commissioned for the 100th anniversary of the discovery of the x-rays by rotogen. Initially I thought that it was the same obverse of the coin but after looking at the artists rendering of william, it appears that they are slightly different. The face and eyebrow structures and carving appear to be different and there are a slight difference on the bottom of the coin proclaiming it discoverer of x-ray. The similar version has some additional dots and the lightning bolt to the left of the head appears to be a bit thinner. If this was not done by the same mint, it is a shockingly similar copy done by someone else.

    similar round




    Usually I don't like it when we have silver celebrating people versus ideas, but I'll take this one slightly differently. I actually like celebrating people who have invented or created things versus politicians. It seems like a good way to remember that the things we're used to today didn't know exist and it takes someone with new ideas to discover them.



    The reverse doesn't give too much information other than one tryouts 9995 silver. Apparently it was either minted by a mint called raytel, or paid for by a company called raytel. I was unable to find any retail companies that had the corporate logo as shown next to the name, or who would have anything to do with x-rays. I could find a couple of other random security / bad scanner companies, that maybe 35 years ago we're in a different field and are still using the name for a different division. It's a bit odd but it certainly unique. I assume this one was probably also minted around 1995 to celebrate his hundred year anniversary of the invention.


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