Some Russian Girls Can Marry At 14. That's Good News!

in law •  4 months ago

    Марина Вотинцева is the author of this photograph.

    1. Brutally Honest Rather Than Shameless

    Immigration seems to be a hot topic these days here in the United States. People are constantly complaining about open borders and rightfully so. However, what gets much less attention is whether adult men have the right to bring foreign wives into the country if those foreign wives are younger than 18 years old.

    No, I'm not describing child brides under the age of 12. That's a whole another article for another time. I'm describing teenage brides who are not yet old enough to vote in an American election.

    The fact of the matter is that while femi-Nazi extremists like Fraidy Reiss and Jeanne Smoot don't want adult American men to bring teenage brides under 18 years old into the United States, terrorists and all sorts of violent criminals are entering into our nation freely at the Mexico-United States border with impunity. I guess these women have no problem with any of them raping and murdering them, but, at the same time, they are dead set on seeing to it that no American man beyond his teenage years is ever happy.

    These femi-Nazi extremists are like cockroaches. If you got rid of two of them, twenty of them would replace them.

    Back in 2019, I published a two-part article titled "President Trump Should Veto Immigration Bill Regarding Underage Marriage" that described the shenanigans that Fraidy Reiss and Jeanne Smoot were pulling with elected officials to make it impossible, if not difficult, for adult men to bring teenage brides into the United States. Fortunately, it appears that adult men can still do so with a few hurdles here and there.

    If you are an adult man and you wish to petition for a foreign spousal visa, the law reads as such:

    A spousal petition involving minor(s) must be approved provided that the petitioner satisfies his or her burden of proof regarding the following four points:

    1. The marriage was legal in the place of celebration (and at the time of celebration);
    2. The marriage is recognized as valid in the couple's current or presumed state of residence and there are no state public policy concerns; and
    3. The marriage is bona fide and there are no indications of a forced marriage; and
    4. All other eligibility requirements have been met.

    Now, if you live in a state jurisdiction where nobody can get married below 18 years of age under any circumstances, you probably will have nothing to worry about. That is, if a 14-year-old bride moves into that same state with her 29-year-old husband, the authorities there will recognize their marriage inasmuch as that state jurisdiction likely observes the doctrine of comity.

    By the same token, if you travel to the Russian Federation to marry a 14- or 15-year-old girl, you will likely have nothing to worry about in petitioning a foreign spousal visa for her. The elephant in the room here is that femi-Nazi extremists like Fraidy Reiss and Jeanne Smoot are appalled whenever adult men, even their age, can travel to foreign countries and marry girls barely in their teens and bring those brides back with them to the United States without any concern about the authorities pounding on their front door.

    These femi-Nazi extremists simply don't want these teenage brides to be able to get foreign spousal visas. However, they don't seem to have any problem with our public officials allowing terrorists to come into our nation up through Mexico.

    These femi-Nazi extremists view their own agenda to be more important than anything insofar as they are becoming a danger to our nation in that they support elected officials who are permissive about letting terrorists into our nation. In any event, let me elaborate on the trend of American men traveling to the Russian Federation to find young brides.

    2. Greener Pastures Of Greater Beauty

    In the Russian Federation, a girl has to be at least 18 years of age to get married without her parents' permission. However, each province of that nation has its own age floor for marriage in the event that a young girl's parents are willing to give their consent for her to marry before she is 18 years old.

    Because many Russian parents want their daughter to have a better way of life, they'll usually act reasonably with any American man who wishes to wed their teenage daughter. It's usually a favorable situation for an American man, even when he is middle-aged.

    Some provinces in the Russian Federation prohibit a girl from getting married before 16 years of age under any circumstances. However, there still appears to be provinces in the Russian Federation where that minimum age floor is either 15 or even 14 years of age. This article here of mine will mainly focus on those places.

    Some of you may be asking the million-dollar question, which is, "If you're an adult man and you're traveling to the Russian Federation to find a wife, why not marry a woman in her twenties?" I'm not discouraging American men from doing so. However, keep in mind that a majority of Russian women are getting married right out of high school. Therefore, an American man is not going to have as many 20-something-year single women to choose from in that country as teenage girls.

    A 20-something-year-old American man will have no problem finding himself the 14- or 15-year-old love of his life in the former Soviet Union. All he has to do is attend a Russian beauty pageant, and there will be contestants as young as 13 years old with bodies that would make even the hottest 29-year-old woman green with envy.

    Some of you may be wondering why a 14- or 15-year-old Russian girl would be interested in an American man who is 30 years old or older. As I have pointed out in other articles of mine, American men look 20 to 30 years younger than they are to Russian girls. The reason for this phenomenon is because alcoholism is common among Russian men. Therefore, many Russian men look old and decrepit by the time they hit their forties.

    To be more descriptive, a 44-year-old American man will look like a college boy to a 14-year-old Russian girl. Therefore, that man is going to receive the kind of attention from Russian girls that young over in the Russian Federation that he probably would not receive from American teenage girls here in the United States.

    Also, if any femi-Nazi extremists are reading this article here of mine, put away your pedophile wands. The majority of 14- and 15-year-old Russian girls are well beyond Tanner Stage 2 in their bodily development.

    Take the example of the teenage Russian girl in the video below. Not only is she put together perfectly, listening to her voice in her native language puts a spell on any man who watches her in the video. She is heaven on Earth, and I take no shame in saying so.

    Her User Name Is Darya Raf, And She Will Set Your Heart On Fire

    She may seem a little mischievous in her video, but, like many Russian girls, she would make an American man happy as his wife. She is the very definition of beautiful. Her parents probably want her to get the chance to go to the United States. Therefore, the situation would be perfect if an American man seeking a wife were to meet her and her family in person.

    What is there not to like about her? She has the beautiful blond hair, the dimple in her chin, and the lovely smile. I don't understand a word of Russian, but I can frankly say that her voice sounds like a melody only heard in Paradise.

    You may ask me how do I know that she is 14 years old. I used Google Translate to read some of the stuff she put on her YouTube channel, and there is one question in its community tab in which she has people vote on how old she is. The answer "14" is one of the possible answers, and "12,""11," or "9" are the other three available selections.

    After looking at her womanish figure, one has to deduce that there is no way that she can be 9 years old. There was this one 11-year-old female YouTuber down in Brazil who had a precocious figure and other YouTubers were making a to-do about her, but I seriously doubt that Darya Raf is that young.

    After narrowing Darya's two possible ages down to 12 or 14 years old, I would be inclined to conclude that she is 14 years old. Therefore, she should be legally old enough to get married in some of the provinces of the Russian Federation if she were to go through the proper channels.

    You look at her and ask yourself, "Where were stunningly gorgeous girls like her when I was a teenager?" And her fertility? I don't even have to go into that topic. If an American man marries this girl, he may wish to wait until she is 19 or 20 years old before fathering children with her. Then again, sometimes pregnancies occur sooner when you least expect it. It would be her and her husband's decision.

    An American man won't find as pleasant of a prospect of marriage and family with a 55-year-old woman who has already lived her life and has no interest in having any more children. Femi-Nazis like Fraidy Reiss and Jeanne Smoot cannot seem to understand this fact.

    This girl is fun and playful, and she knows all the right moves and all the right facial expressions to spark an American man's interest. She is quality marriage material, even if she isn't old enough to drive a motor vehicle in most state jurisdictions of the United States. Watch the video below.

    Darya Raf Will Make You Feel Like A Teenage Boy Again

    She is not a little girl but rather a woman in that she is physically and even emotionally precocious for her age. She has the kind of womanly figure that would get some of these swimsuit models fired from Sports Illustrated if they were to allow a girl her age to pose in the swimsuit edition of that magazine.

    All you have to do is watch her dance in flashy garments to realize what I mean. I will now treat you to several videos of her doing so below.

    This Russian Girl Is A Wealth Of Genetic Gifts
    She Will Lodge Cupid's Arrow Deep Into Your Heart No Matter How Old You Are
    This Is Not A Little Girl But Rather A Full-Figured Woman
    Isn't She Lovely?
    Even Chris Hansen Wouldn't Be Able To Resist Her
    Does This Girl Have A Boyfriend?
    She'll Captivate Your Heart Upon You Merely Listening To Her Voice

    There are many girls like Darya Raf in those provinces of the Russian Federation where girls can get married as young as 14 or 15 years old. Femi-Nazi extremists like Fraidy Reiss and Jeanne Smoot can do all the pervert-shaming at me they want, but, at the end of the day, they're fearful that American men still have the legal choice to marry a Russian girl Darya's age and bring her back here to the United States.

    If these femi-Nazi dare to think that I am a creep for publishing this article, well, then I view them to be the biggest creeps I've ever come across in that they want elected officials to legislate every way possible to send men to prison. These witches probably even joke about men being raped behind bars. They are the sick ones.

    These femi-Nazi extremists don't care one iota about these teenage girls in Russia. They merely see them as a threat to their own chances of finding love, so to speak, if that is even really possible. They don't want American men to have other options than them. Well, too bad. American men still have other options and will continue to pursue them as long as they remain available.

    These femi-Nazi extremists obviously squandered away their own teenage years on nonsensical stuff that was of no benefit to them in the long run. Us American men should not have to cater to their agendas.

    Also, I don't want any self-proclaimed human-rights organizations coming back to me and giving me this sermon about how they feel that these young girls are being trafficked in some way. These Russian teenage girls want to come to the United States, and they likely see marrying adult American men as their opportunity to do so. End of story.

    The United States of America has become the deadbeat teenage dad capital of the world. Why won't these so-called human rights organizations do something about that problem? Moreover, these femi-Nazi extremists here in the United States never seem to have any problem allowing their 13-, 14-, 15-, and 16-year-old sons to run around and get every underage girl in their neighborhood pregnant and then treat them like garbage.

    There was this one old maid I used to work with up in New York City. She and I never got along with each other. However, there was one comment that she made that I found to be wise. She told me and my co-workers that her mother got married at 16 years old. She then said that it's better that teenage girls get married when they're still too young to vote, because it keeps them out of trouble. I agree.

    Never mind all of those horror stories that Fraidy Reiss and Jeanne Smoot spread all over the nation about older husbands who beat on their underage wives. These women are scraping the bottom of the barrel for these kinds of stories, when there are likely more true stories about girls of middle-school or high-school age getting married to someone older and living happily ever after.

    Femi-Nazis like Fraidy Reiss and Jeanne Smoot have gone as far as falsifying data to support their baseless arguments that teenage marriages are somehow all exploitative and wrong. They've misused the press and the media to showcase their agenda.

    These same femi-Nazis are frustrated and miserable women. Therefore, they want American men of all ages to suffer as much as they do. Misery loves company. Well, we must all say "no more" to them.

    If we American men want to go to foreign lands to marry teenage brides, it's our business. Call it a caveman fantasy if you must, but it's a heck of a lot better than being married to some self-absorbed, youth-obsessed hag.

    Serhiy Lvivsky is the author of this photograph/Source:

    3. Final Thoughts

    Romance is gradually dying for American men regardless of their age here in the United States. It has gotten to the point that many American men are not even dating anymore and have given up on the whole romance scene. Now, we even hear about adult men as old as their forties who have never had a girlfriend in their life here in the United States.

    The fact of the matter is that American men need options, and femi-Nazis like Fraidy Reiss, Jeanne Smoot, and Cassandra Levesque are not going to take those options away from us. These witches are trying to grow the male prison population through the United States with their MeToo madness.

    Listen. I don't like forcible rape any more than anyone else does, and I'm not against the MeToo movement per se. However, I don't accept that there have to be barriers between adult men and teenage girls from every direction. The statutory-rape laws in the United States are over 700 years old in that they originated from England. When two people are in love with each other, they should have the right to be together even if they're initially on opposite sides of the legal age line.

    It is possible for an adult man and a teenage girl to fall in love with each other without any grooming or manipulation taking place. Unfortunately, the majority of teenage girls here in the United States have been indoctrinated to believe that all such relationships are exploitative and wrong no matter how many safeguards have been put in place.

    If an American man travels to a province in the Russian Federation where a girl can wed as young as 14 years old and a girl that young falls in love with him and vice versa, he has a pathway to legalize his relationship with that young girl and he should be able to bring her back to the United States without any interference from the law. He will experience the beauty of being her first love and create a family with her.

    Fraidy Reiss has never had a son. Therefore, she has no idea what any of what I have described above is all about. Jeanne Smoot is merely another femi-Nazi attorney who probably has never loved a man in her life. She merely wants to make American men's lives miserable. These women should not hold any American man's future in their hands.

    And please! Don't accuse me of being a MAP (Minor-Attracted Person) for writing this article. The term "MAP" is nothing more than a politically charged word meant to confuse the Court of Public Opinion into believing that there is no difference between a 20-year-old college student who takes a 17-year-old girl to her senior prom and an 81-year-old man who pulls a 4-year-old girl into his car to commit unconscionable acts against her.

    Most of us here are way too smart to fall for all the pedophile-panic propaganda that encompass the forced use of "MAP" and "MAPs" in daily spoken English. It's merely another ploy to fool the public at large. Of course, that's another article for another time.

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