Hive Keychain v3.2 - Portfolio and account value

in keychain •  3 months ago


    v3.2 is now live on Chromium and Firefox, coming with some new features we hope you will enjoy!

    Portfolio Mode

    Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 2.21.59 PM.png

    With this new version, we introduce the Portfolio mode, in which you can see a summary of all your tokens and account value for multiple accounts, all at once.
    Just click on the icon next to your account value:
    Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 2.29.36 PM.png
    It will open the portfolio, which you can then filter per account if needed.

    Account value

    Since we're talking about the account value, based on popular demand, we've added the possibility to switch the displayed value between dollar value, HIVE value, and hidden, with a simple click:

    Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 2.32.04 PM.png

    Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 2.32.16 PM.png

    Download the Apps / Extensions

    The download links for our mobile Apps and extensions are available on our landing page


    To communicate with us, report an issue or become a Beta tester, join our Discord by following this link :

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    @stoodkev : CEO - Witness
    @cedricguillas : CTO - Witness
    @theghost1980 : Front-end Developer
    @manuphotos : Community Manager - Witness
    @yabapmatt : Advisor - Witness

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