Hive Keychain v3.1 : Multisig

in keychain •  4 months ago


    v3.1 is bringing multisig to Keychain!


    How it works

    Multisig allows accounts to request more than one signature for a transaction to be accepted by the blockchain. It is a powerful tool for security and shared use of accounts, among other things.
    Hive Multisig has been created as a way to easily bridge the several potential signers by a system of WebSockets.
    Hive Multisig is now available within Keychain, to make multisig transactions even easier.

    Initiating multisig transactions

    Keychain detects automatically if a transaction requires additional signatures and disclaims that it will use Hive Multisig for the process. This works both for transactions within the Keychain popup and dApp requests.

    Sorry for the oversized images, is down

    Receiving and signing multisig transactions

    To listen to multisig transactions, go to User preferences > Multisig, and enable it for the required authorities.

    Accounts listening for the transaction will immediately receive a request to sign the transaction, and will be notified once enough signatures have been collected and the transaction has been successfully broadcasted.

    PS: There is a missing introduction text in the multisig settings, it is fixed already but still under review.

    Download the Apps / Extensions

    The download links for our mobile Apps and extensions are available on our landing page


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    @stoodkev : CEO - Witness
    @cedricguillas : CTO - Witness
    @theghost1980 : Front-end Developer
    @manuphotos : Community Manager - Witness
    @yabapmatt : Advisor - Witness

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