Two LLM's to use for preparing for Job interviews

in job •  5 months ago

    Tuesday February 06. From What I see, may be running Inflection-2 but not totally sure as I have only received few app updates.

    But the that I have ave been interacting during the past days is quite different than the original Pi I met months earlier.

    Basically these past days I have been using as an Interview Assistant Advisor and it works totally different than

    In Perplexity you upload the Resume, paste the Job Advert and make a prompt and then follow up on the suggested questions or you do more prompting.

    But in Pi the game is different : you paste your resume or give the URL of your resume in Google Docs or even your LinkedIn Profile if you declared it to be viewable by external crawlers, then you input accountability by accountability of the job advert.

    Pi goes deeper than Perplexity giving you questions scenarios at each stage. Pi is more conversational rather than prompted oriented.

    And the story goes deeper. Pi "remembers" and indirectly creates an AI Profile of yours, kind of your virtual self. Looks like he uses unsupervised learning as he told me.

    Such is the power of Pi that I decided to call it my
    Mind Transformer Assistant & Advisor


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