New Movie Study - Don't Look Up At Nukes

in ixin •  4 months ago


    New STUDY: No Need to Look Away When Nuclear Explosions OccurNew MOVIE: No Need to Look Away When Nuclear Explosions Occur
    Hot on the heels of Netflix's crowd consensus catch-all cinema release of "Don't Look Up," comes a new directional MOAB movie to round out the remainder of 2022. "Don't Look At Nukes" is expected to be another cinema apocalyptico buffet banquet but this time we will be led to believe that there's no need to look away.

    Don't Look Up's successes and many firsts aims for similar from DON'T LOOK AT NUKES? <br /

    Netflix's first cinema apocalyptico double bluff blogbuster Don't Look Up, starred Leonardo di Caprio and some other actors. The 2022 cinematic movie release managed to cross socio-cultural divides that marred the prior 5 to 6 years of our globally connected internet timeline

    Crossing divides caused by 5 to 6 years' worth of alienating, pandering crap was an impossible feat yet Leonardo di Caprio's character did pull it off easily; all accomplished through Leo's nuanced portrayal of a nerdy and dorky, neurotic yet good-natured scientist-cosmologist. Before the audience was able to establish more, this space nerd character found themselves in an impossible position where he can't balance either of the two oppositional roles being demanded by the plot and settings within DON'T LOOK UP

    plus a few other metrics, some unexpected and still yet to be fully measured. Crossing a divide like it may have something to do with a few unintended outcomes so could this new joint task force initiative be trying to recreate similar cinema to gather further data on these unexpected and undisclosed outcomes?
    The role was acted impeccably and easy to relate to. So relatable in fact that Leo's performance for Netflix translated to a bottom line of a cool retention of $322 million USD through revoked subscription cancellations. Who could have guessed that Netflix way back to a top spot as one of the world's biggest Streaming broadcasters was through relating to a newer generation of dysfunctional adults?

    So we have all this and more resulting from Don't Look Up's surprising success. $322million of reversed cancellations captured a lot of attention yet it turns out that there's other resulting outcomes still to be announced and something more mysterious;

    Utilizing a masterfully devised bespoke strategy made possible through the engagement of Netflix's in-house think tank, contemporaneous and globally malleable time-lines can be inserted for the intention of effecting a tactical plot twist, as if manually editing 35mm movie film reels on the old timey cutting room floors. Marvelous if mystifying stuff!

    Make sure that if find yourself ruminating over looking up or not, do look at Leo instead: forget the constellations, or the zodiacs. Horoscopes were so first half of 2022 >

    Reverse Psychology has never been such fun and our global audience doesn't quite know what to think of this yet...
    Emerging out of a brand spanking new task force study initiative, Netflix joins the US Department of Energy and NASA to announce DON'T LOOK AT NUKES - yet another cinema apocalypto smorgasbord survival saga that's promising to take global audiences on a different direction.

    The wait for DON'T LOOK AT NUKES worldwide premiere has us expecting that we, and billions of expectant viewers worldwide, will find themselves looking at nukes as if they were watching and waiting for a pot to boil. An impatience instigated by using a movie title that ironically told to look away.

    Unlike the 15 minutes of fame that Andy Warhol predicted we would all once have a chance at, the analytics and big data crunching behind #trending has become such a driving force behind the way we view the world (more succintly, how we divide it) and how the world drives a 24/7 never sleeping news cycle. We can safely reveal that the original Don't Look Up was concocted by an in-house Netflix think tank, a new intern filling the inaugural #trending social and influence acolyte position and unnamed individuals in NASA who couldn't resist getting in onto this new Netflix Think Tank Psychedelic Level.
    The inaugural intern who microdosed psylocibyn as per internship requirements then sneakily imbibed a white powder found inside drawers of their hot desking cubicle pod experienced something that both NASA and Netflix are still translating into a monetary and exploitative format but due to folding the space/time continuum, it's likely that DARPA or the CIA will need to be approached, cap in hand, for assistance.

    Utilizing a masterfully devised bespoke strategy made possible through the engagement of Netflix's in-house think tank, contemporaneous and globally malleable time-lines can be inserted for the intention of effecting a tactical plot twist, as if manually editing 35mm movie film reels on the old timey cutting room floors. Marvelous if mystifying stuff!
    What happened is that this intern actually worked for NASA as a fully initiated cosmologist of 5 years and he did indeed spot a world-killing sized asteroid heading for earth. - NASA's DART Asteroid impact webcasts - Sep 26, 2022 - NASA Spacecraft asteroid crash planetary defense test - Sep 26, 2022
    Netflix was eager to hear that the future was already prevented and that their cinema apocalypto with a 21st century information warfare hyperdrived to absurdity twist was able to negatively inflect earth's timeline successfully. This is a market feat which the global streaming giant intends to replicate by their cinema apocalypto "DON'T LOOK AT NUKES" blockbuster that's due to for global release on the platform 22nd December 2022.

    It is unknown whether Russian customers will be able to stream or view the movie after this release date and when we contacted Roger Ebert through a ouija board, he graciously told us why:

    Is Russia a crucial fulcrum for Don't Look At Nukes' as still unhinted at, array of potential storylines to converge upon? Would any revealing of Russia's nuclear potential during the production of what, by all past and present measures, intends to be a archetypal post-post Cold War cinema apocalyptico masterpiece? Is there any aspect of global nulcear holocaust that can either be manifested or negated via production & global distribution of a movie? I have no answers to these tantalizing questions but I assure you that I, along with most of the corporeal audiences remaining subscribed to Netflix are enthralled to wait for December 22 2022.

    This is an exciting time for cinema, one I could not rest or remain retired through. And it's certainly an exciting time for archetypal modern day popular culture critics like me because it turns out I can be resurrected for a second wind and hopefully find a new global audience for whom I will do my best to provide a sober, sagacious and sincere movie critic's voice to.

    A watched pot never boils but the impatience generated by waiting for a movie titled DON'T LOOK AT NUKES, will paradoxically make looking at nuclear explosions all the more irresistible.

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