War Delayed Till After Passover Because Of War

in iran •  3 months ago

    With the military preoccupied with countering Iran, countering Iran might have to take a back seat.

    Jerusalem, April 15 - Israel's cabinet decided today that due to exigencies of the ongoing military conflict with the Islamic Republic and its terrorist proxies, further pursuit of the ongoing military conflict with the Islamic Republic and its terrorist proxies will be postponed until the upcoming Jewish springtime festival has elapsed.

    The senior ministers of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's government voted Monday morning to delay any specific, coordinated action against the regime that controls Iran, until after Passover, since the IDF and other security-related state organs are busy with specific, coordinated action against the regime that controls Iran. Passover begins this coming Monday evening, and lasts seven days in Israel.

    "We will respond at a time of our choosing and in a manner of our choosing," assured government spokesman Barib Yariel. "Conducting multiple complex operations at the same time is certainly within this country's capabilities. However, because we have the leisure to do so, the government has decided against an immediate response to the Iranian attacks, given the IDF's current assignments that prioritize an immediate response to Iranian attacks."

    The direct missile and drone strikes from Iran on Saturday night marked only the latest in decades of anti-Israel and antisemitic terrorism that the Islamic Republic has perpetrated, culminating most bloodily in the October 7 massacre by Iranian proxy Hamas, with near-daily rocket fire at Israeli communities ever since, from proxies in both Gaza and Lebanon. However, Iran-sponsored and Iran-coordinated terrorism has targeted Israeli and Jewish targets all over the world since at least the 1990's. With Israel's intelligence and military apparatus preoccupied with countering Iran, countering Iran might have to take a back seat.

    Debate in Israel continues over whether striking soon after the latest attack represents a dangerous impulsiveness or forestalls the appearance of weakness that will invite more attacks. The minutes of the cabinet meeting where the decision to postpone was reached remain classified. Nevertheless, analysts surmise that the prevailing sensibilities in the cabinet adopt the first view over the second, not least because of the questionable wisdom of waging war in the middle of a war.

    "It seems like a deviation from the core mission," explained commentator Seth Schanzer. "Right now the IDF has to maintain laserlike focus on neutralizing the threat from Iran and its proxies in Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria, and to a lesser extent in Yemen and Iraq, plus Iran itself. Without sacrificing too much deterrence, Israel can wait a little longer before also neutralizing the threat from Iran and its proxies in Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria, and to a lesser extent in Yemen and Iraq, plus Iran itself."

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