in inventions •  2 months ago

    4 Wall screens: Reading this amazing book Physics of the Future (Michio Kaku); and i got surprised of a possible way to live in the future with a room with the walls full of screens to make more real a communication with far away friends/family. This possible invention is commented on pages 30-31. A fragment I like:

    At first, it might seem strange talking to an empty room. But remember when telephone first came out, some criticized it, saying that people would be speaking to disembodied voices.


    It makes me recall when I began to use the mobile. I really use to refuse to be attached to it, to depend on it. I really never imagined be doing and use at the grade I use nowadays.
    Well, we are always in evolution.

    Btw, I didn't be able to upload the picture of the page.

    Thank you for reading!

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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