Aquarian's Heart: An Intro to Hive

in introductionpost •  4 months ago

    The world is a wonderful place to live when we let love grow deep in our hearts. I would always say this to everyone to allow them to share the loving grace of God. I am an Aquarian, and this is my story.


    I was born on February 16, 1993. I am 5'3 in height. A person who loves cooking and baking. I am interested in layout design like tarpaulin and logo making. I have a green thumb which makes me adore lots of plants. Aside from the mentioned characteristics, I am now enhancing my skills in event decorations so that it will become one of my assets which I can contribute to the school where I am teaching.

    My parents were not perfect but they are a perfect example of God's creation. They are the perfect instrument that brought me life and see the wonders of the world. I am the second child of the five siblings. I grew up in my grandparents' care together with my eldest brother. I lived in the heart of the City of Danao. I considered my grandmother as my mentor and the best mother. She taught me to be brave in facing difficulties in life.

    I am also grateful to have my strict and loving grandpa. He was the one who brought me to school and fetched me after classes. But he passed away due to diabetes when I was in the fourth grade. My grandparents taught me to earn money at a young age by packing charcoals and reselling them to barbecue vendors. My brother and I will repack ten sacks of charcoals every Saturday and Sunday and it will be sold well for one week. I also experienced making two hundred pieces of ice water (water placed in a plastic and served as a cold beverage) every night before going to bed.


    My Lola's Guidance
    During my elementary years, I seldom saw my parents since I lived in a distance but I always loved them. I never experienced playing with my other siblings, but I always cared for them. I have learned to wash my clothes through the teachings of my grandma. She doesn't want me to grow without learning anything about chores. She always got mad when I felt lazy waking up as early as five o'clock in the morning to do my tasks before going to my classes. But because of it, I've been used to waking up early and starting doing my duties.

    As the saying goes "Early bird catches the worms". Well, when we are early in doing our job, we can do more activities than those who start late. It will make our day productive and progressive. Now that I am living a long distance from my grandma, I seldom visit her due to lots of paperwork in school. But I always pray for good health and happiness for her. I keep wishing that someday I can pay back all the sacrifices of my family members that made me who I am today.


    My Passion for Cooking
    In my early years in High School, I discovered my passion for cooking. As I watched my grandma's friend cooking, I familiarized the procedures so that I could cook it by myself. I started cooking and selling food when I was in 3rd year of high school. One of my teachers was shocked when she tasted my favourite dish, pork adobo. She told me to cook for her because it was the most delicious adobo she ever tasted.

    My teacher thought I was going to be a chef someday, but at this time, I was thinking of becoming a priest. To serve and love the Lord. But when I was about to graduate, I decided to take a Bachelor of Secondary Education because I wanted to impart my knowledge and skills to other people. Aside from cooking food, I started loving how to bake pastries and cakes during my college. I thought it was difficult, but I learned the basic skills until I took my NC II from TESDA now that I am teaching.

    My journey in college was very tough. I considered it as one of my hardest moments since I made a very sad decision. When I was in my first semester in college, I had no time to study because I needed to help my grandma prepare and sell goods in the store. And it resulted in low grades. There was also a time when my Aunt told my grandma, "Why are you so busy earning money to support your studies? He has parents and it is their responsibility to send him to school". It was so painful yet challenging. I contacted my parents and told them that I wanted to continue my studies but I wanted to go home. I shared it with them and they agreed to support my college. Though painful, I left my grandma's care and lived with my parents. It was not easy since I missed my grandma so much. When there were times I had some pennies left, I visited and helped her in the store.



    God's Precious Gift
    As years passed by, God drew me close to Him. I joined a choral group, the Choristers of Our Lady. I sing for His glory and honour. This group helped me a lot in understanding the purpose of living. As we encountered different priests and listened to their sermons, my relationship with God became deeper. When I attended a vocation jamboree, I submitted myself to confession and asked for guidance from one of the archdiocesan priests. But when I prayed, I told God, "Can't I serve you with a family? I guess I can still serve you in another way like educating learners in school and serving you in a choral group". My God, our God is truly a good listener and He hears the cry of our hearts. My girlfriend got pregnant after a month when I prayed to Him. It was unplanned, but it was a decision.

    My girlfriend who is now my beautiful wife gave birth to a baby boy whose name is Ioseph Yehezqel. It was difficult for me to start our family because this was the time my parents got separated. I passed the Licensure Examination but as if nothing happened, it was a glass-breaking pain that the parents whom you considered a perfect gift from God can't be united again for their children. Though we experienced it, I took it as a challenge, that someday it would be a part of the history of a broken family.




    Hive Awakened Me from a Deep Sleep
    After 3 years, our 2nd baby was born, our daughter, Jehoia Reece. She is as beautiful as her mother. They are my weaknesses at the same time my strength. I always want to be with them. I want to take good care of them as long as presence exists. I want our children to remember me as a responsible and loving dad. Who is willing to sacrifice everything for their sake. My heart is strong but fragile. I am easily misunderstood by many because of my strong personality, but deep inside of me is a broken heart bound with a thin bandage.

    When I heard about Hive from @richdreamer, I at first was hesitant to join because I had lost my passion for writing. But when I attended the orientation conducted by ma'am @callmesmile and ma'am @jobeliever, it reminded me of my life. How an aquarian's heart faced all the challenges in life. How a vulnerable heart became resistant to the war of life. This platform awakened me from a deep sleep of inspiring others through writing. May it be a good start to exploring the world of writers, where everyone is welcome and appreciated. I look forward that I could make more write-ups to inspire and engage with people around the world.


    God is with us
    Aquarian have been to different life combats, he has been to arduous and hurtful situations, but his heart will continue to hold on to someone who never left him from the day he was born. He is God. Let us offer our sufferings to Him and everything will go well. He will take good care of broken hearts to continue to spread love to the people around us. Deus nobiscum est.


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