Introduction to the Hive Community - Pixregal

in introduction •  4 months ago

    Greetings, Hive Community!

    I'm Daniel Drutu, a digital art enthusiast from Romania, not far from Dracula's mysterious castle.

    My artistic journey began as a playful exploration of the Photoshop universe, but I soon realized that my passion extended beyond just photo editing. Graphics, drawing and photography are not just hobbies for me, but forms of expression that allow me to leave my mark in the digital world.

    I currently work with vectors, logos, cutting files, specialized digital art such as t-shirt designs, custom icons and even holiday or food photography. My fascination doesn't stop there, as artificial intelligence, 3D modeling and rendering are also territories I've enthusiastically embraced.

    Therefore, I invite you to join me on this journey, where each creation represents a story, a thought or an emotion transformed into art.
    Below I present some of my creations, hoping to inspire you and share the joy of creative and unique content.

    Thank you for being here and I look forward to growing together in this beautiful and talented community.
    Daniel Drutu (pixregal)










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