in introduction •  4 months ago


    Hola hive world I'm Kers and I am 19 years old. I live in the City of Bogo, Cebu. Let me share some fun facts about me, I am funny, I can easily make jokes because I have good humor, and also I am very friendly and kind, that is why I have a lot of friends because they love my jokes HAHA, and they love me. So I hope I can find friends here because I will assure you that when I will become your friend I will make sure that your stomach will get hurt laughing at my jokes. I am a senior high school student and my strand is Humss which means Humanities and Social Sciences also I am an academic achiever. I am good at oral and written I can also do dramatic play and roleplay.



    Furthermore, I am a graduating student and the course I want to pursue in college is the BSEd course stands for Bachelor of Secondary Education and my Major is English. I like this course because my aunts are teachers and I want to be one of them who is teaching students. When I was a kid I always watched those kids who always give greetings to teachers like Good morning ma'am, good afternoon ma'am and other more, and I also want to be called ma'am that is why I like to teach, I think I have passion on it. As well as I want to work abroad someday when I finish my course. I want to be a foreign teacher in Taiwan because I have somebody there who is related to me and who is willing to help me find a school where I can teach in Taiwan. She said that teaching there is not hard because you just have to teach the students how to speak English, and how to use English in a sentence. She also said that the students there are very polite, responsible, and generous.


    Allow me to introduce my beautiful family to you. My father's name is Randy he is the most yet the best father I have ever had. He is very responsible in taking care of us, also he is a very hardworking man who was ready to take risks just to meet his family's needs and I am very thankful for that. Now it's my mother's turn, my mother's name is Ahn and she is the most beautiful woman I have ever, she is a loving mother, and a caring one, and also who is ready to take risks for our family. I have three siblings and I am the older one. The second one is Faith she is kind, friendly, and responsible.


    A lot of people are always asking us if we are twins because we have something in common like our height and sideview face. But the truth is we're not twins we're just in a 1-year gap. Also, Faith is an academic achiever like me, and we are classmates. The third one is Ranniez she is 10 years old and she is currently a grade 5 student, she is also kind and she's an introvert. The last one is a boy his name is Ranz. He is 8 years old and currently a grade 4 student. Among us four he is the most naughty, silly, hardheaded one. But he is good at school.


    My First hobby is playing table tennis. Because it's kind of fun playing this sport, so let me share my table tennis journey. I was 14 years old at that time and I was a grade 6 student at that time. I always watched those kids who played table tennis and I found myself interested in that sport, so I tried to attend training but sadly I realized that playing that sport is not easy because you will undergo footwork, handwork, squats, and many more it makes my body ache with pain. After that time I can't barely move my body due to the pain I have felt but it was not enough to give me a reason to give up. Instead, I pursued it until now and I am very happy because I won second place in the cluster and third place in the division.


    My second hobby is playing volleyball I also like this sport because it can strengthen my muscles and can improve my skills in this sport.

    These are my other hobbies reading Wattpad and Webtoon. I like to read stories because it makes me imagine things like I was the character in that story HAHAHA so funny right?

    I also like to listen to music because it makes me calm and the kinds of music I listen to are worship songs. I also like to take a picture of sunset, sunrise, night skies, and the ocean.




    I love taking pictures anywhere where we go. It makes you realize how beautiful nature is in this world.

    The reason I want to join Hive is that I want to enhance my written skills, also Mommy Jane encouraged me to join Hive. I also want to share my life experience being a teenager and a servant of God. Who wants to share with the world that being a child of God is a big opportunity to know Him and His words? That is why I want to join Hive.

    I can contribute by spreading positive messages and sharing my life experience on how I overcame my depression with all the teenagers out there. My life can be a testimony to their lives that no matter what problems they are struggling with, suicide is not the solution but the real solution is God, you just have to trust Him and Listen to people who always encourage you to not give up your life.

    The person who introduced Hive to me was Mommy Jane because she wanted me to enhance my written skills and she also wanted me to meet another blogger so it would help me create my blog. She saw something in me that I am good at writing blogs. This is my first time doing this blog and I'm a little bit nervous but Mommy Jane said that I can do it and she will just help if I need help. I hope my introduction catchers your interest in me and I would like to have any friends here. I hope I can find it here thank you and may God bless you all.

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