We are the WebVoyagers! Come Explore with Us!

in introduceyourself •  3 months ago

    Hello everyone!

    We hope you are well. We must say we can't wait to go on our adventures with you. We will talk about those adventures we want to go on with you in a moment, but before that, we think it would be appropriate for the purpose of this introduction post to talk about who we are.

    We are @pravesh0 and @bemier. You can find our introduction posts here for Pravesh and here for Beril.

    In this account, you will be able to read about our common interests and the shared experiences that have emerged as a result of our cooperation. For travel enthusiasts like us, you will find trips from different parts of the world, for game lovers, game reviews and fun game recommendations; and for foodies, you will be able to find delicious recipes from very different cultures, restaurant recommendations, and interesting information about food culture. Of course, we are not done here yet; there are a few more things you can expect from us.

    For language and culture enthusiasts, we will talk about language learning tips based on our own experiences, our current learning situation and interesting cultural history. We will share positivity with you through first-hand stories and experiences, interviews, pleasant conversations and motivational posts.

    Cinema enthusiasts can find film reviews and film recommendations in our account. For those who love and dislike the spiritual approach, we will share with you tarot and coffee horoscope readings, which we will carefully consider together with funny comments, and for music lovers, we will share our music recommendations.

    And last but not least, we also want to strengthen our communication with you by organising fun and educational quizzes.

    This collaboration also shows the power of this blockchain. How two random people from different parts of the world can connect and do exciting things together. We want to believe this type of account exists on Hive, but we haven't come across one yet.

    If you have any suggestions or other interesting ideas that we can do on this account, then sure, let us know in the comments. We would also love to hear your opinions on this project!

    Images were created from freepik pikaso

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