Introduce Yourself - My interests,etc.

in introduceyourself •  4 months ago

    A little about me.

    Well first I am 30 years old and live in Norway though I am not from here originally.

    My name is Dayea or well it's my nickname that I have had all my life.

    My Interests

    I love doing research about things that interests me which can be anything from music,cultures,mythology,science,technology and to be honest too much to even count! When I find something that really interests me I can be a fast learner but if it doesn't interest me at all my brain shuts out most of the information.

    I have been in the blockhchain world since 2015-2016 and have tried to learn as much as I can about it, I have known about Hive for a while but I didn't really want to join because I have had my own things to figure out in life and I have not been that social person before but I am trying to change that along with other things in my life so the plan with this account is to just write about things that I find interesting and hopefully find other people that have the same interests and also to hopefully eventually be able to earn some extra money. I also saw that Hive has it's own video platform so I will probably upload random videos on there in the future.

    I love taking pictures and also love to play around with AI technology so will share as much of that as I can.


    I know this was a short intro so if you want to know more feel free to ask in comments! I am happy to see where this new journey will take me and will be fun to learn more about Hive!

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