A long overdue intro post

in intro •  2 months ago

    Hey Guys! this intro post is Long overdue.

    So, I am TheDeltron, and have worked on several freedom, crypto and film projects which eventually led me to meet @starkerz and getting involved with Hive.

    Most of you know me from working on and heading up the @filmmaking4hive project with @killerwott and many others in the hive community. We have just released an update post for the script so go check it out - https://ecency.com/hive-166847/@filmmaking4hive/hive-movie-update-script-done

    Since the completion of the @filmmaking4hive Script and started working on the pre-production of the project, I went to visit my friend @starkerz and his business partner @theycallmedan earlier this year in Mexico. As well as hanging out, exploring and having a good time, we discussed many great things, particularly around media and the projects they are part of.

    I even appeared on the first live episode of the @cttpodcast - https://ecency.com/hive-167922/@cttpodcast/tmdtpejw - to which a comment by the @stickupboys inspired me to regrow my beard haha

    After a couple of weeks of hanging out and working things out, we decided for me to move out to Mexico to help out with the filming and media to work together to release a lot of content and to step up their videos to the community and world.

    We already have some big ideas around content and if you want to potentially help out with editing and production, drop me a message on discord @thedeltron.

    I have been here a few weeks and already some awesome things are in the works, so watch this space!

    Anyway that is my first post for my account. Hopefully the first of many, peace!

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