April Inleo Monthly Calendar Now Here!

in inleo •  4 months ago

    Hey Lions! Sorry for the delay, life got on the way, but here is the full calendar for #Aprilinleo!

    March was awesome! A lot of participant, constant authors, new authors and great feedback.

    -This post will be edited later to add a winners section for the Premium accounts-


    Remember this is an Inleo initiative, not a Leo Finance initiative, almost none of these topics are directly related to finance, so go explore other communities, read their rules, and post your articles where you find it fits best. Leo Finance is the default right know but you can change it with a click.

    How to participate:

    • Create a post or a threadstorm based on the topic of the day ( if you join later you can pick the current one, or another from the previous days.

    • Use the tag #aprilinleo.

    • At the end of your post link this post and invite people to join the initiative (inleo link please).

    • Create quality content so we can support it.

    • Drop the link to your post in the thread of the day created by this account (even if you chose an old topic, drop the link in the thread of the day so we don't miss it)

    That's it!

    Calendar of the month

    This topics are meant to be interpreted, you can tackle them from any point of view, even do art about them, so feel free to explore them as you wish.

    If you have any suggestion, question or request, drop it in the comments!

    Thanks for participating on March Inleo and let's make April an awesome month!

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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