Weekly HSBI Giveaway and a Gold Foil Splinterlands Card

in inleo •  4 months ago

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    Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! I thought it would be fun to do another giveaway to celebrate the holiday! I hope everyone is having a great weekend so far, I've been enjoying mine.

    My Week on Hive

    This week on HIve I managed to post every single day which is an accomplishment for me. It seems I almost always have something pop up at least once a week preventing me from completing my goal. I did put together a nice post about HSBI for all those who are unfamiliar with it, and I included a link below under the HSBI section if you want to take a look.

    On Tuesday I participated in Three Tune Tuesday. It's one of my favorite days here when people from all over the globe share three of their favorite songs. One lucky randomly chosen winner receives 12 HSBI! So if you don't already come join in the fun this coming Tuesday.

    This weekend was my son's birthday so it prevented me from meeting up in Las Vegas with some awesome people from my favorite community, the Silver Gold Stackers. Once a year several members of the #silvergoldstackers meetup in Las Vegas for a weekend of fun. I hope to make it next year! We are a great community if you have any interest in precious metals like silver or gold, coin collecting, or are just curious you should check us out.

    Enough rambling, I'll get to the good stuff now!

    The Giveaway

    I will be giving out two prizes of five (5) HSBI chosen at random from all of the entrants. There will also be one gold foil Splinterlands card as a third prize. If you don't play Splinterlands just let me know and I'll send you an HSBI instead. To participate you need a reputation level of at least 25 and bots of course cannot win. And please one entry per person to make it fair to everyone.

    To Enter
    I know St. Patrick's Day isn't a holiday everywhere outside of the US and Ireland. But just for fun tell me how you celebrated St. Patrick's to enter. If you don't have St. Patrick's Day where you live just tell me what your favorite holiday is and why. Nice and simple, just please no "Count me in's." My goal is to have some fun engagement!

    The contest will end on Sunday at noon California Pacific Time. Just enter before then and you are in the contest. No need to upvote or re-blog but if you choose to I would greatly appreciate it! And tips are always appreciated as well.

    If you are unfamiliar with the prize you can learn more here: @steembasicincome/hive-sbi or check out my recent post: https://inleo.io/@thebighigg/hsbi-what-are-they-my-experience-and-a-starter-guide

    Choosing the winner

    All entries will be placed on the Wheel of Names and I will spin it three times. The first prize will be 5 HSBI units. The second will be another 5 HSBI units. And the third will be for this card or one HSBI unit, your preference.

    Good luck everyone!

    Last Weeks Winners!

    Congratulations to @danwhodoesart you have won 5 HSBI units! Sorry about the name misspelling on the wheel, I had to do it manually!

    Congratulations to @blitzzzz you have won 5 HSBI units!

    And third prize is choice of a gold foil Pelacor Mercenary or one HSBI unit goes to @thetimetravelerz ! Congratulations! Just let me know which you prefer and I'll send it off to you!

    And since I am posting in the #freecompliments community I just wanted to remind everyone to take some time today to be kind. A little kindness can make a huge difference in someone's life. Please check out the community and consider joining us!

    Splinterlands card image is property of Splinterlands.

    If you are interested in precious metals or even want to learn more about them feel free to come join us #silvergoldstackers

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