Alex is for the chip now

in infowars •  2 days ago

    It almost goes without saying, but, at the end of the day there are no ideologies that seem to survive monetary incentives. I mean, I wish someone could prove me wrong on this one, but It's precisely what I see.


    More drama for MAGA

    The arguments over H1b Visas have not cooled off, not even a little bit, and some of the most pro MAGA public figures out there are getting thrown into the woodchipper over this whole thing.

    Recently, the loving hard boiled egg turned human, Alex Jones, has began to feel the uncomfortable shaft of poorly made choices against his anti-globalist pantaloons.

    His fans, hardcore 'merica first peeps, can't understand why Alex would defend a man who is openly advocating for replacing Americans with cheaper imported labor.

    The idea that Elon is somehow helping the "anti-globalist" agenda he preaches to his audience is hilarious at best, pathetic at least.

    Wait, it all makes sense

    All you got to do is ignore completely what Musk has done with H1B visas, ignore the fact that he just fired a bunch of Americans and replaced them with "cheaper more skilled labor".

    What am I doing? Alex can explain this simply....

    In other words:

    It's ok because we knew he was not for America first, but we are, and he's cool in other stuff, and he's got more influence than Trump, but Freedom...

    Ahhh, the ol' Pretzel

    If it sounds like a teenager trying to explain to you why the F on his math test is not really a bad thing, is because you are, like me, a functioning adult that recognizes bullshit right away.


    Here's some facts I happen to know about Alex Jones and his cause. He's been for the longest of times someone who:

    1. Believes in American Exceptionalism
    2. Believes in isolationism
    3. Hates China
    4. Believes Big Tech = Devil

    But, on this fourth point. Don't we know something else too, something we can assert for a fact is eating Mr. Jones on the inside and he has to pretend the alien is not about to pop out of chest.

    What was that Neurolink thing again?

    Ahhhh yes, the chip Alex has been talking about for more than a decade, yes, that one.

    I mean, it's just a chip they are going to put inside your brain, no biggie, and of course without any bad intentions.

    I mean, no, wait. Yes, the CHIP is bad, and the Globalists that want to put the CHIP inside of you hate you and hate Jesus. But, this is different, way different.

    We simply don't understand because of Free Speech and the situation in Ukraine or something.

    The Elon Chip is good, because we knew about it, and because even though Elon wants to play mad scientist and what not, and it sounds bad, he is actually not a bad guy.

    Yes, that's exactly it. ELON IS A MISUNDERSTOOD HERO!

    Who is buying this crap?

    Look at this man's body language. He knows his bovine excrement quota has surpassed all storage units inside his head.

    The logical pretzel is nothing more than cracks in the wall, and a prelude of what's to come when this whole unholy political marriage ends.

    Alex the Globalist

    Someone should make that trend on Twitter, it would make him have erectile dysfunction for weeks.


    Many things may happen in the next few months, but I'm sure we will never experience dull moments.


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