Episode 1213

in humanityforthewin •  2 months ago

    Full Metal Ox Day 1148
    Sunday 21, April 2024
    Apocalypse Year Episode 1213

    Sunday Melánge 119

    We're back on the foot path again this Sunday, looking at multi million dollar properties, peacocks and the disparity of another real estate bubble inflating in my temporary home.
    Our H2020 peek-back continues and we still run the risk of republishing the entire year of 2020 as a flashback. But maybe this is necessary. I'm convinced that the same scare, coersion, & compliance tactics will be used under the banner of a global pandemic or climate crisis.
    There's a race between the World Health Organization, and Team No Virus for supremacy.
    The following isn't in any episode yet, but it might be soon.
    The WHO is angling for the power to declare global health emergencies, and override the sovereignty of sovereign nations and their populations, to enforce safety measures.
    Conversely, Team No Virus aims to convince the global population that viruses don't exist, have never been proven to exist, virology is a fraud and contagion is a myth.
    If, or when The No Virus paradigm is established, accepted and embedded in the hearts and minds of the global population, then WHO, big pharma, the CDC and most of the Medical Industrial Complex becomes null, void and subject to lawsuits for its part in iatrogenic deaths and injuries.
    Too bad no one reads these.
    But just in case you do read these, first pardon me for the typos. Blame AI, and me for not proof reading. It's a laziness fault. Also leave a comment to let me know you're not dead.
    Social media friends, and friends of friends are passing away. I don't read any suspicions that survivors might have. Maybe out of respect. And I don't ask for the same reason.
    We didn't put any foreign substance in our vessel so we have no worries to that end.
    Anyway, you know what to expect today. This is your bonus. I'll read it over. Just for You.

    **HINDSIGHT 20/20 full length, uncut episodes. What were YOU doing in 2020? Catch up on what you missed.

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    SEASON 1 of FMO on the archives

    Program notes hive.blog/@noxsoma

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    YouTube: We started our Spring season in Philly during SprINO season, (Spring in name only). It's been a month away from the gym. But we're back. More to come.

    Session 19
    Philly Fitness Combo

    Session 18: Awkward Moves to Improve

    Episode 37
    Status Quo

    The Comeback Comeback: Season 4.0 Session 05 Monkey Bars

    Returning to Strength
    Episode 036

    Hybrid & Wonderment
    Episode 35

    Spring Elevation Quick Comeback
    Episode 34

    Session 17:

    Stronger & Braver

    Session 16:

    They All Count

    Session 15:
    Spring BUGGIN'

    Park Session 14:
    Hybrid Training

    Park Session 13:
    Over the Top

    Park Session 12
    Return to the Rose Philly

    Park Session 11
    Last Stand in Miami


    Get strong. Be strong. Stay strong. Don't panic. Don't freak out. Humanity for the win!

    Contact: noxsoma@protonmail.com
    Telegram t.me/noxsoma

    Living is the best part of life.

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