Episode 1212

in humanityforthewin •  3 months ago

    Full Metal Ox Day 1147
    Saturday 20, April 2024
    Apocalypse Year Episode 1212

    Moron Fasting
    Perhaps it's my cynical nurture, or just common senses that lead me to conclude that there's a global depopulation effort under way. But it seems like every time there's a simple remedy for the ailments of humanity, the establishment controlled media tries to disparage it.
    Case in point; intermittent fasting.
    We are into our second year of this lifestyle practice and it continues to benefit us in many ways, not the least of which is weight control, energy and by extension a position outlook on life.
    Imagine, something that actually works.
    Intermittent fasting seems to be gaining ground among curious normies, in that if they're not actually practicing it, they've heard of it.
    There's a stat out that claims that 1 in 3, or possibly 2 people have cancer. More humans know someone diagnosed with cancer than know someone who is intermittent fasting, which proponents claim can help remedy to condition. But we're not talking about that.
    The not-so-new kindergarten insult when dames fall out of favor with the ignorant caught our attention so we open with that.
    H2020, this day four years ago as we entered the Covid era. It's not over yet. Many of the predictions we made back then didn't come to pass, but it wasn't for a lack of trying on the part of the THEY. As usual THEY over estimated their intelligence and underestimated the intelligence of humanity.
    We're getting reacclimated to suburban Miami life as we're awaked at 0800 by the landscape symphony of leaf blowers.
    Enjoy your weekend.
    **HINDSIGHT 20/20 full length, uncut episodes. What were YOU doing in 2020?

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    SEASON 1 of FMO on the archives

    Program notes hive.blog/@noxsoma

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    YouTube: We started our Spring season in Philly during SprINO season, (Spring in name only). It's been a month away from the gym. But we're back. More to come.

    Session 19
    Philly Fitness Combo

    Session 18: Awkward Moves to Improve

    Episode 37
    Status Quo

    The Comeback Comeback: Season 4.0 Session 05 Monkey Bars

    Returning to Strength
    Episode 036

    Hybrid & Wonderment
    Episode 35

    Spring Elevation Quick Comeback
    Episode 34

    Session 17:

    Stronger & Braver

    Session 16:

    They All Count

    Session 15:
    Spring BUGGIN'

    Park Session 14:
    Hybrid Training

    Park Session 13:
    Over the Top

    Park Session 12
    Return to the Rose Philly

    Park Session 11
    Last Stand in Miami


    Get strong. Be strong. Stay strong. Don't panic. Don't freak out. Humanity for the win!

    Contact: noxsoma@protonmail.com
    Telegram t.me/noxsoma

    Living is the best part of life.

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