Episode 1210

in humanityforthewin •  3 months ago

    Full Metal Ox Day 1145
    Wednesday 18, April 2024
    Apocalypse Year Episode 1210


    We have a well balanced episode for you today. I like it like that. Quick recap of the Philly Experience, future plans. Universe has laid out the path for this year. I must fulfill it. I have only myself to hold me accountable. That means I'll be venting through this series, reminding and perhaps scolding myself if I slack, fall behind, collapse or don't come through.
    Uni has never let me down. Sometimes I get lazy and have my priorities skewed.
    Today, this episode was a priority. This could change. I could alter the schedule from daily to every other day, then every three days, to even once a week. No one is holding FMO to a daily schedule except its creator. 1145 days straight ain't bad. Priorities will change, albeit slowly, but they will change.
    More to come.
    We're on another boat this week and on our own again.

    **HINDSIGHT 20/20 full length, uncut episodes. What were YOU doing in 2020?

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    and now, again
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    SEASON 1 of FMO on the archives

    Program notes hive.blog/@noxsoma

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    YouTube: We started our Spring season in Philly during SprINO season, (Spring in name only). It's been a month away from the gym. But we're back. More to come.

    Session 19
    Philly Fitness Combo

    Session 18: Awkward Moves to Improve

    Episode 37
    Status Quo

    The Comeback Comeback: Season 4.0 Session 05 Monkey Bars

    Returning to Strength
    Episode 036

    Hybrid & Wonderment
    Episode 35

    Spring Elevation Quick Comeback
    Episode 34

    Session 17:

    Stronger & Braver

    Session 16:

    They All Count

    Session 15:
    Spring BUGGIN'

    Park Session 14:
    Hybrid Training

    Park Session 13:
    Over the Top

    Park Session 12
    Return to the Rose Philly

    Park Session 11
    Last Stand in Miami


    Get strong. Be strong. Stay strong. Don't panic. Don't freak out. Humanity for the win!

    Contact: noxsoma@protonmail.com
    Telegram t.me/noxsoma

    Living is the best part of life.

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