PowerUp πŸ’ͺ May - I ask you, what is Hive for you?

in hpud β€’Β  2 months ago

    (this is the #26 giveaway enabled post - check the giveaway details below)

    This πŸ’“ post has a πŸ’Ž GIVEAWAY

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    PowerUp Day πŸ’ͺ Delegation Giveaway

    🚨🧨πŸ’₯ Engagement is Required ❗❗

    😬 Damn, time flew!

    Yep... I kind of failed to reach my milestone... zero progress this month! The target was to be able to unveil some stuff and I ended up doing almost nothing. I blame IRL stuff that did πŸ€ͺ me completely! Time is not what used to be... and therefore it will have to wait again, unfortunately. Besides time, nothing is lost, just delayed...

    Wait a minute, not all time was lost, I managed to spend some quality time making some progress on the Hive-Engine (HE) front... which paid off in having some additional performance fixed. But before I go there, let me blast you with some motivation I also need in order to set the scene.

    I know that this does not pay enough respect to the actual scenery, but that's a big portion of what drives me to keep going, in a sense, daily. These kinds of days, just blow off, in a good sense, all your stresses and any other problems chasing your tail, and present you with a magnificent prospect of "let's just start this amazing fricking week" thing.

    When you enjoy nature, these things do make/take some impact daily. If not, the combination of the colours in the picture will... 🀣

    Besides these things and the abnormal work stuff, I have been around the most valuable part of myself and doing the usual blockchain things that keep me minimally up to date with what's happening, my "when possible" efforts on testing and validating stuff, and whenever possible, just having fun! Either politely πŸ˜… attacking you on a very well known game on Hive or letting you know my experience around one.

    Having that said, for my own memory... let me add this here!

    ... ~120 days left for more ATX to be released! 26 August, 2024 UTC

    My ATX stuff is still due, yes, that's mostly because of IRLW fault and within the available time, how I have to prioritise the importance of critical things when they appear. Fortunately, the awesome people who know me a bit, understand that this is life... and some might even foresee (correctly) this as a buffer for me to get extra excitement.

    The aim is to provide hopefully and eventually... what I want to (which mostly is an ongoing thing, but let's say I am trying to make something new for the community and those who want to help me).

    Focus is and will always be, doing this "community empowering" effort! Lifting what I can help with, within the community, decentralizing it by upskilling myself and those around me (if they want it).

    🧐 New HE Indexes

    HE (Hive-Engine) Full Database is getting bigger and bigger! And that means indexes play a much high important role (especially in history things, that are useful for things like explorers, such as https://he.dtools.dev, but not limited). I have been trying to troubleshoot with help from @rishi556 some performance problems as a result of this, and I think we did find the culprit. Below are the current full DB sizes, and on the hsc_history with the two new indexes (but I am still testing and check if I can find more useful indexes):

    • db.accountsHistory.createIndex( { account: 1, timestamp: -1 } )
    • db.accountsHistory.createIndex( { account: 1, symbol: 1, timestamp: -1 } )
    rs0 [direct: primary] test> show dbs | "grep hsc"
    hsc          352.87 GiB
    hsc_history  232.31 GiB

    Thank you @yixn for your insight and discovery about the index that needs the symbol variable to be performant.

    From my DB index stats, I have tested that the account_1_timestamp_-1 gets used even more (at least on my node). And that for any queries that involve symbol the account_1_symbol_1_operation_1_timestamp_-1 gets used. So it might not even be worth having the account_1_symbol_1_timestamp_-1 if you already have the other one (4 fields compounded index).

    (some minutes of testing with what usually hits my server)

    Either way, I am not at all a DB expert, and I am just playing with these on my own time in my backup node in order to improve performance. And at the same time, I get to learn a few things about DBs.

    With these new indexes, HE history performance can be improved quite a bit (at the cost of more space nodes having to support if adhering to the index). But I still need to understand if there is a better combination of compounded indexes.

    You should be able to test things as of right now! (links below on my witness section) - or via the example of the links also on the image HE Explorer above, accessible via "Settings" in the https://he.dtools.dev link.

    😌 What a world have we become...

    (some sad talk? nah, wait for it...)

    The "News" around the world have been quite depressing, and sometimes so complex to extract some juice out of it... that it really becomes a loss of time to pay any attention.

    Unfortunately also around our little corner of cryptocurrency being "enterprised" by big players, and I know some crypto ventures do fail more than others, but usually in a much more "acute" way than on #hive. This is probably and mostly because the implementation costs in raising businesses in this chain are quite cheap, hence the risks are usually much lower than anywhere else.

    It's important to acknowledge that some don't manage to continue, either because of preference or because they don't have the ability to, but the crucial part of all that is the lessons learned!

    The reason I threw "this part" was to make you all think about... why the hell do people continue to be on Hive then? Right...

    "Because we want or can...", is not always a "profit" thing for many perhaps? Just a "moral value" because you like something about it!? There are tons of reasons and tons of people around...

    In my case, it's a mix of many things, but mostly because I love to explore, test technology and interact with people around it who in some sense are my teachers without them even knowing about it... it becomes quite simple for me to like this place.

    And as if that wasn't enough, on top of all that the most powerful part for me is this amazing chance (and privilege) to participate in something independently, with my own view of things and without being biased by struggle or stresses. Not saying it doesn't matter to be able to solve or fight such complexities, but it does make my life easier and in a sense healthier if I don't have to deal with those around.

    You don't need to agree with me, you should have your own thoughts, and that's normal. It's something that is what I would say, part of the core values of this community. It almost looks like that, "feel the force!" thing...

    But don't get me wrong, obviously, I know people like money and profit, myself included. Those things make our lives so much more bearable! And many would agree with me that Hive is a super undervalued blockchain, which it is in my opinion and not because of just the code or how it works, but especially because of the self-healing resilience capacity and the capability of decentralized evolution. Those are for me, very key aspects of this blockchain...

    But ASK yourself, why are you on Hive? Truly, and then expand that thought to why it's valuable to you...

    I know why I AM here... and I love it!

    πŸ˜„πŸ˜†πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ™‚πŸ™ƒπŸ˜‰ PARRTYYY MODE!

    PARTY HARD, enjoy life (but think about your health please), and ignore what doesn't interest you.

    There are too many distractions nowadays.

    Humans were never meant to sail fully conscious, much alone pre-educated beings... things will eventually fail or flow out of order. What connects us and enables us to adapt, is history and knowledge...

    Right, enough about rambling...

    I need to go catch more of these "pipi"... they were DELICIOUS! πŸ˜‹

    My πŸ–οΈ motivation!

    Have fun, play games, learn, and when possible, teach new things to newcomers, showing them how interesting this place can be.

    🀝 Follow me on Twitter

    @forkyishere 😈 (@forykw dark side) is a character I created, which emerged from Crimsonclad imagination πŸ™ while dwelling over the dark dungeons of Discord chat levels.

    Follow for #news about the #HIVE #Blockchain, and other stuff. I sometimes get crazy with what happens around social media. I am following all HIVE users! No promises of behavior. 😁

    In addition, if you are looking for a nice place to either reach out, share or just have a great time, come along to @atexoras.pub gatherings. We welcome everyone on the blockchain.

    πŸ‘‰ Vote for Witnesses

    (⚑Vote) - Hive-Engine here - voting uses staked WORKERBEE
    (⚑Vote) - HIVE here - voting uses staked HIVE

    (✍Delegate) - 3Speak Network - You win 0.015% SPK tokens if you delegate LARYNX to other nodes, as opposed to only 0.010% from your powered LARYNX!

    @forykw is running 😎 @atexoras.witness on all the above πŸ’ͺ

    πŸ“° Public Hive Engine Infrastructure (I AM BACK 😍)

    Any feedback/problems, feel free to contact me! My stuff is being monitored via UpTimeRobot where you can find their current status or just come along to the ATX Discord server.

    😎 Looking for some #HIVE merch? (ASK ME) - I did try to setup something but I don't have the time for it anymore (for now). 😘


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