More Peas and Windows - June 23, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

in homesteading •  26 days ago

    Sugar pod peas - harvest2 crop June 2024.jpg

    On Sunday morning I was out in the Small garden by 6AM picking the sugar pod peas. It took me about 45 minutes and I had about ¾ of a big bowl full. I had set up for processing peas before I went out so was just able to sit down on the couch and watch Fly Away Home while I topped and tailed the peas.

    All this rain has caused some of them to develop black spot so I had to discard a lot.

    Sugar pod peas - 5.5 pints crop June 2024.jpg

    By 10AM I had finished and cleaned up the kitchen. I got 5½ pints, far less than I thought I’d have.

    The humidity is through the roof here, the gauge is pegged out at 90%. It’s not been hot the last couple days, low 80’s or mid 70’s, but the humidity!

    I have a new helper this week, my old intern’s sister. I was checking the weather so we could set up dates and it’s to be in the 90’s on Wednesday.

    A few days ago, the left hand shade in the dining room window broke. So after a rest and some work on the bills/budget, I decided to fix it. It seems to be working, but it was a cob job, so I don’t know how long it will work.

    Dining room window - screens in crop June 2024.jpg

    Once I had that done, I decided to wash the 2 little windows and get the screens in.

    Window inspector1 crop June 2024.jpg

    Of course, the job had to be inspected.

    Back porch finished crop June 2024.jpg

    Right next to the dining room window is the door to the back porch. That hadn’t been done yet either, so I got that washed up. And while I was on the porch I figured I might as well finish that job too.

    When my brother and I had done the windows, I hadn’t had the energy to wash the outside door or clean the railings on the porch. So now the back porch is finished. Only 17 more windows to do, and 3 doors…

    On Monday, intern #2 and my general helper will be here at 7AM. It’s to be a cloudy cool day and the plan is to get as many trees pruned as we can. I plan to start with the Little Trees I and get the peaches thinned. If there are any elderberry flowers left I hope to harvest some to dehydrate. Then we move onto Little Trees II and clean up the peach there.

    Next would be pruning the magnolia up so I don’t hit my head hen mowing. And after that, if there’s time, pruning the forsythia back so I can mow. We’ll see how far we can get.

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