On Thursday morning I spent the morning editing the hundreds of photos I’d taken over the last 2 weeks. I think I managed to get one post up. My helper friend was coming at noon and we were going to tackle the Big garden, getting it ready for winter.
I started on the north end and this is what it looked like. He started on the south end.
I cleaned out the comfrey and horse radish and got all the grass and weeds out, then mulched it all.
I only did ½ of the parsnip row and ½ of the comfrey. That’s all I could reach from one side. Then my helper friend and I pruned this quince back heavily for the second time this year. And we finished mulching, having just enough hay to do this ⅙ section of the garden.
I bought the first part of this Rodgers silverplate in 1974 as my every day silver. I’ve added to it over the years. I had cleaned some of it back in May for the Moms’ Night Out I hosted.
But it had gotten tarnished again. My sister wasn’t able to do garden work but wanted to do something to help around the house. I thought a good, though boring, job she could sit and do would be to polish the whole silver set. So she set about it on Thursday afternoon.
It’s so lovely now! I so very much enjoy having pretty silverware to use. I would pick through the drawer for the ones not so tarnished before she did this. It’s not worth much, having been in service for 50 years. I much prefer to use silver over stainless steel. It has a nicer taste.
So kudos to my sister for doing this amazing job! It will make me happy for many months to come.
I found this wooley bear in the house on the dining room floor. I have no idea how it got inside. Does this mean it’s to be a wicked cold winter??
We finished the Big garden early so I decided to try to get some house plants fed on time for a change. We got part of them done by the time my helper friend had to leave.
When my brother got home in the evening on Thursday night he said there were 2 rabbits out there chasing each other around. I thought it would be out of season for that, but they were definitely having fun. They were too fast for me to get both, so you only get one.
On Friday I hope to get some zucchini ravioli made and finish feeding the house plants.