My Easter - March 31, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

in homesteading •  3 months ago

    Prepping starting notes crop March 2024.jpg

    Easter was a slow, easy day. It was partly sunny and cold still. After morning chores, I sat down to prep all the starting notes. They go back to 1998 and the older pages are fragile. So I repaired them and added more blank pages for future note taking.

    Scalloped batata crop March 2024.jpg

    At noon I stopped and looked up recipes for scalloped potatoes. My brother said he’d always used a roux. It had been decades since I’d had scalloped potatoes and I couldn’t remember how they were made.

    So I combined a couple recipes I found and created this.

    Scalloped batata recipe crop.jpg

    Steamed asparagus crop March 2024.jpg

    While the batata baked, I prepped the asparagus as that takes quite a while. It would be steamed.

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    I had gotten a ham slice without all the nastys in it and it was pre-cooked so I just had to heat it up.

    I went back to my notes and finished them just in time for my dinner.

    I started the asparagus and ham when I took the cover off the casserole and they all finished at the same time. The batata was REALLY good!

    Easter dinner crop March 2024.jpg

    After I ate I sat in my chair for a while and watched a video. Then I ate my little chocolate bar for dessert.

    West of Steps - daffs in evening sun crop March 2024.jpg

    I went out just before 7PM to do chores and the sun was just setting. The West of Steps daffodils had opened and glowed in the sunset.

    First fence - daffs open2 crop March 2024.jpg

    The First Fence garden daffodils had mostly opened too.

    Front porch with daffs crop March 2024.jpg

    I thought the front porch was starting to look pretty with the daffodils on each side.

    A branch had blown down on the wildflowers so I decided to go move it. There were actually a lot of them and I ended up down by the forsythias. I had planted 5 forsythias when we put the first Little trees in back in 2020.

    Little trees - forsythias 1, 2, 3 crop March 2024.jpg

    These were the first 3 and they are actually starting to become a hedge to block the “mountain” from view.

    Little trees - forsythias 4, 5B crop March 2024.jpg

    These are the last 2. There are 2 of the old forsythias with them. By now the sun had nearly set.

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    The end of a quiet day.

    On Monday I have exercise class and my general helper will be here at noon and we have 12 trays of seedlings to start. It will be a busy day, as I have to clean up the kitchen before I leave. Laundry will have to wait until Tuesday.

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