An Estate Sale - April 5, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

in homesteading •  3 months ago

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    On Friday morning the sky was blue and it had turned cold again. All the snow/sleet left from the melting on Thursday afternoon had frozen solid.

    First fence - daffs in snow crop April 2024.jpg

    Most of the daffodils had recovered. I only lost 6 or 7 to broken stems.

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    The Fence daffodils are easier to see without all the weeds and stuff.

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    When I went up to the barn for chores, there was a fence post steaming in the sun.

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    I stopped in the parking area on the way back and found all these tracks in the snow.

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    They went out into the middle pasture and cover quite a wide area.

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    The house and yard in the early morning sun

    I had exercise class and when we headed out, we saw a pink sign but couldn’t read it. So on the way back we went to look at it. There was an estate sale on my road on Friday and Saturday. The exercise class had been shorter than usual, so I wasn’t wiped out, so I decided to go check out the sale.

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    The garage was the first stop. There were lots of tools in really nice condition. There were also lots of totes. The man said if I filled a tote, I could have it for free. So I put 2 smaller totes inside it with these tools and the extension cord.

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    Then I went inside. The house was full of beautiful copperware, glassware, and decorative items. It was all reasonably price too. I picked up 8 more window candles, the corded brass type, and a 6 sided grater with 2 types of grater I had needed and didn’t have. Also I found a tiny ladle for getting cream out of milk bottles and another strainer for blanching vegetables in the summer before freezing.

    I had seen a lovely pitcher displayed, but it was large and I really didn’t need another pitcher. So I paid for my things and went home. Once home, I called my neighbor and left a message about the sale, then called my friend who loves Christmas like I do. There had been a TON of really lovely Christmas stuff. But she was down south too far and said, maybe next time. But my neighbor had called back while I was on the phone, so I called her and she decided to go right then and there.

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    So she picked me up and we went to the sale. She found a kissing ball I had missed and I broke down and got my pitcher and another andiron. I use the andirons to hold doors open in the summer. These were only $3 each and one seldom finds them for less than $10.

    One of the reasons I had hesitated on the pitcher is that it has 2 roosters on it. My husband had been adamant that I wasn’t to buy things with roosters, only hens. One seldom finds anything with just hens. But he’s gone now, so I hope it’s okay to get roosters now…

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    So I made out very well at this sale. Of course, everything had to be thoroughly inspected.

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    He supervised as I put things away.

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    I have been diagnosed as pre-diabetic, and read the riot act. I have to eliminate carbohydrates and add in lots more vegetables. Protein was okay. So I had been searching for keto recipes with vegs and found a lot. So I spent most of the day transcribing them and then making a huge shopping list.

    The plan is to do a lot of cooking and putting things in the freezer. Most of the things are good for that. I also hope to make a granola of just nuts and seeds without all the sugar/sweeteners, so I have a list of those ingredients to get too.

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    Once I’d finished that, I got the rest of the new seedlings watered and sat down to give the mesclun a second haircut. Just like the first time, I got enough for 2 huge salads.

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    Beets up on the porch

    On Saturday my general helper is to come at 8AM and we’ll go shopping and then start cooking. That’s all I have planned for the day.

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