Another Slow Day – April 1, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

in homesteading •  3 months ago

    Magnolia bud crop April 2024.jpg

    On Monday I was up late, got a load of dishes done, did chores and breakfast and shower and was ready to go to exercise class at 9:15AM. As it has often lately, it left me exhausted. My general helper had called just before I left for it to ask if we could do seed starting on Wednesday instead.

    I was glad we changed it because I was really wiped out. I’d hoped if I sat and rested I could go out to get raking done before it rained, or failing that, start laundry. But nothing else got done all day.

    I saw this pink bud on the magnolia when I got home and tried to get photos, but this was the best one. Too shakey I guess.

    Westerly forsythias crop April 2024.jpg

    In the afternoon I noticed that only the forsythia by the “mountain” are flowering. The other 3 along the fence gardens haven’t really started at all.

    So Monday was a wash out.

    On Tuesday I hope to get out and rake in the morning before the rain starts at 2PM. I also need to feed seedlings, start laundry, and clean up the kitchen. A lot of standing jobs and no help. I have to go to an appointment in mid afternoon. So we will see…

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