Prepping for the 4th Seed Starting - April 14, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

in homesteading •  3 months ago

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    On Sunday morning I was up by 5AM and I got the kitchen cleaned up and the bones roasting. They roasted for about 2 hours and while they did, I got my post up and finished the laundry.

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    Everything was supervised, this time while finishing the laundry.

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    Before I could set up the roaster, I had to take down a shelf on the porch, so the kale seedlings ended up on the couch. This was because I had to put 2 leaves into the dining room table and didn’t want to move them twice.

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    I had all the ingredients except the leeks. My general helper would pick them up on her way here.

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    The stock was simmering by 10AM, a bit early but it won’t hurt.

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    I took all the birdfeeders out to the garden shed and hung them up til next autumn.

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    When my helper arrived at 10AM with the leeks, I started processing them while she went to the attic and brought down the table leaves. Once the leeks were in the stock and the mess cleaned up, we put the leaves in and I found the big table cloth.

    On Monday night when I close the porch door and open the windows, the trays out there will be on this table for the night.

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    Then we set about finding all the equipment to set up the roundtop shelving. The only problem we had was that we ran out of good bulbs for the lights. I had to use sub-par bulbs in the center light. I will have to order more light bulbs.

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    As soon as they were finished, we moved the Cortland onions over as that top shelf is the highest light. Once the mess was cleaned up, she went to work on washing 16 covers.

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    I collected the seeds, notes, and markers and started getting them ready for Monday.

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    She moved onto the 16 trays we needed. Turns out several were cracked and not suitable for indoor use. So I had to break into my stash of tan ones to bring the number to 16.

    She didn’t finish the trays before she had to go and I kept working on the notes until they were done. I cleaned up the mess and sat down to watch Field of Dreams again.

    Before I could finish it, Tom arrived with the milk order. I hadn’t seen him for about 3 weeks as things have been a little crazy at his house. So we sat and got caught up on all our doings. My neighbor called and her stock making was going along well. She sounded quite pleased.

    Then I made supper, finished the movie, got fires lit and chores done, and edited the photos for the next day’s post. I was in bed at 8:30PM, exhausted.

    On Monday we start at 8AM and I have 4 trays to wash, set up to do, kitchen to clean up, and chores before she arrives. She stays until noon, and I hope we can finish all the seedlings and find a place for them all.

    I’ll be tending the stock off and on all day too.

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