It Was Windows - May 24, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

in homesteading •  last month

    Roundtop - some plants back crop May 2024.jpg

    On Friday morning I opted to stay inside and get the shelving out of the windows. I had to do the milk order at 8AM and knew I’d forget if I went outside. So I worked away from 7AM on getting the shelves and lights out of the windows and packed up to go to the cellar. Then the phone rang.

    It was 9AM and Tom was wondering about milk…sigh… Once that was done, I got everything ready to go down cellar, all by the cellar door. I wanted my son to bring it down.

    Washing windows crop May 2024.jpg

    It was too hot to go outside when I finished, so I decided to get the smaller windows on the second floor done. There were 7 to do. I finished them around 1PM.

    I ate some lunch and read and dozed the rest of the afternoon.

    On Saturday I plan to get outside by 6AM and start either the Big garden again, or Row 1 in the New Herb garden that I prepped weeks ago and plant that. I’d like to do the New Herb garden but probably will end up in the Big garden.

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