Health update - 1 month on.

in health •  5 months ago

    It's been a month since I last talked about my health

    Lets start with the good news.

    I have a blood test booked!... That's it.

    The bad news

    It's on the 20th of march, so it's quite a ways away which is a long time to suffer from all this crap I'm dealing with.

    Additionally, there is a high chance that the doctors may have put in to the completely wrong blood tests. Because my doctors are just that incompetent, they don't READ anything.

    The really bad stuff.

    On February 16th I went to a urgent treatment centre to have my throat looked at, They decided to put me on some anti-biotics for tonsilitis. All fine and dandy but I'm pretty sure I didn't have that as all they had to go off was swollen tonsils which was probably cause by my condition causing swelling and rashes etc everywhere. But you know.. I have hives so must be having a allergic reaction to something, when I say there is no source the look of confusion on staff face is worrying.

    But I digress.. I took the meds cause that's what you do if you are told to. They didn't seem to be doing much to anti-biotics take time to work, though they wouldn't get to actually do their job cause of what happened next.

    February 19th, A trip to A&E.

    As much as I hate going to hospital cause of how much anxiety and stress it causes me, Me and my dad drove up to A&E because around 9PM that night my face suddenly started swelling up.

    By time I had gotten there I could barely speak and the throat was slightly swollen but breathing wasn't impaired at this point.

    Here is where something weird happened, Of all the people who could have been working triage that day, I get someone who happens to have gone through exactly what I'm going through right now, The whole 'Immune system attack my own body' nonsense and having to wait 8 months for appointments and all that. Looks like a long tough road ahead for me. She eventually got GENE therapy to fix her issues.

    But anyway I got seen within like 10 minutes of arriving, They did their stuff putting in that thing they do with your arm and then proceeded to pump me full of what my dad described as an obscene amount of steroids and medication.

    Unfortunately!! I don't do well with blood, injections, stress.

    My body has this thing it likes to do if I get far too stress and anxious, full body Vasodilation. as I call it. There is a actually medical term for it as my sister has the same issue, but I can't remember it atm.

    Anyway all my veins open up nice and wide aaaand my blood pressure plummets to critical levels. This naturally causes me to pass out.
    But if that wasn't enough NO! When I pass out.. I always have convulsions, fits or a seizure.
    So naturally I scared everyone half to death, when I came too they were wheeling up the crash cart and alarms were going off everywhere...

    I then spent probably the next 2 hours in a state of... something.. I donno, my blood pressure too ages to recover which is unusual, probably cause of the continued stress and anxiety I was getting being in the hospital, with a swollen face and throat whole also having oxygen given to me for the first time in my life, which smells weird and is rather cold.

    Anyways after getting everything sorted out and being able to walk and move again after passing out, when it came time to remove the thing in my arm, I got faint again. Fortunately this time we managed to avoid a full pass out but it ended up with me sitting on a bed for another 3 hours or so before finally being discharged and given a 5 day course of steroids.

    Anyways, we went in at around 10PM or so and left just after 3AM.

    Having all that medication in me, not only delt with the swelling but also largely got rid of my rashes, ichyness and pain. Is was the most comfortable week I'd had in over 2 months.

    Sadly I've finished off those steroids some days ago and their effect has pretty much worn off at this point. So my rashes/hives are back, breathing is once again a thing that requires effort, My energy levels are shot and everything hurts.

    And I have to put up with this.. until it gets fixed. which could take over a year to sort out.

    Granted I could get stronger medication in the mean time after more GP visits. IF I can even access my GP.
    Planning on moving to a different surgery as the receptionist at my current one are incompetent, They never set the message for my doctor TO my doctor cause they didn't understand it.. which is why it took so long to even GET a blood test booked.

    Then there is the obscene amount of time to wait cause my blood test is a month away. were as.. They could have given me a piece of paper and told me to just go to the nearest hospital and get some blood taken. Could have had it done within a week of seeing that other GP...

    But anyways.. The NHS is a mess I know that much. This is going to take a while to sort out, I'm going to be in a near half dead state until it is. HOPEFULLY I don't get any more random swelling... I don't want to go to hospital again if I can help it.

    In the mean time.. I've been streaming more.. even that it's not easy to do as I can't play games for long, using my mouse on my computer causes my hand to hurt due to this condition. I kinda just deal with it cause I don't have much else left that I CAN do anymore.

    So yeah.. That's pretty much it. 2024 by far the worst times in my life. I'll keep on chuggin along.. until this thing either takes me or my mind fails.

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