Energy Healing and Clearing

in healing •  4 months ago

    Energy is what we keep dealing with all the time in our life, from the time we are born till we die. Our energy is created and altered by us with out thoughts, actions, words, lifestyle, so it's not something that is fixed and cannot be changed. Our quality of life depends on the energy that we have created for ourselves. The more free flowing the energy the better quality of life and if there are blockages in the energy field means there will be blocks in life too. It depends on where the energy block is there. We need to understand a little more about energy clearings before we start to work on clearing the blocks. Like in which area of life is the block.

    For e.g. some people experience constant problems in relationships, they may be having problems expressing their emotions or they may be always finding toxic people around them. For them their Heart Chakra and Throat Chakra are ones where there will be blocks. Someone who constantly experiences instability in life, then it is the root chakra which is blocked, someone who feels fear and anxiety, then it's the solar plexus and sacral chakra which is blocked. Chakras are the invisible body parts that govern the energy flow in our body.


    When we feel stuck in any area of life, then there is a invisible block that is not allowing us to move forward and freely in that area, which then impacts our happiness, peace, love, abundance and growth in our life. There are many times that our body gives us signals also. Like you come across an unpleasant person and when you leave that person you yourself may feel unpleasant, you have taken over some part of that person's energy in you and if you absorb it then it gets stored somewhere within you. All such experiences keeps building the blockages within us.

    Experiences from our childhood times are also stored within us in our memories, some in conscious and some in subconscious and time and again they trigger negative emotions. But this does not mean that we need to live with these blockages forever. There are different ways in which the energy can be cleared, there are energy healing modalities like Reiki, Sound healing, Crystal Healing, Pendulum Dowsing healing, Pranic healing.

    Whatever one suits best can be practiced, sometimes even simple affirmations and chanting helps in clearing the energy. Important is to allow your energy to be free flowing so that we can live a life of abundance and happiness. I have been learning and practicing some of these healing modalities for years now and I can see the difference in my quality of life. It does not mean that problems will not occur in life, these are separate things, but a clear energy pathway will also allow us to handle our problems better and we will not feel stuck up with them. It's like where there will be problems, solutions will also occur with the free flowing energy.

    Today I am writing this to increase awareness on self healing and keeping the energy clear to live a better quality of life.

    Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸



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