Resources Fusion and Destruction are LIVE! 😱👑

in hashkings •  2 months ago

    Hello Kings and Queens! 👑

    In this post we wanted to explain how this two new systems will work! To go to the page you will have a new dropdown on the main page navbar where you will see the option or you can access via this link


    Now once you have open the page you will have two options which you can choose, fuse or destroy.

    How Fusion works?


    Fusion let you combine a minimun of 2 up to 5 resources of the same kind to have the probability of obtaining 1 resource of the next kind.

    Probability of Fusion being successfull depends on how many resources you use:

    AmountProbability of Succes
    2 Resources20%
    3 Resources35%
    4 Resources60%
    5 Resources90%
    • Fuse Circuitwood to obtain Electrobronze
    • Fuse Electrobronze to obtain Neoferrum
    • Fuse Neoferrum to obtain Cybergold
    • Fuse Cybergold to obtain Shadowstone
    • Fuse Shadowstone to obtain Quatium Sapphire

    How Destruction works?


    Destruction let you destroy 1 Resource to have the probability of obtainin 1 up to 5 resources of the previous kind.

    Destruction Probabilities:

    3 Resources55%
    4 Resources25%
    2 Resources10%
    1 Resources5%
    5 Resources4%
    0 Resources1%
    • Destroy Electrobronze to obtain Circuitwood
    • Destroy Neoferrum to obtain Electrobronze
    • Destroy Cybergold to obtain Neoferrum
    • Destroy Shadowstone to obtain Cybergold
    • Destroy Quatium Sapphire to obtain Shadowstone

    For both actions you have to pay a fuse or destroy cost in BUDS depending on the Resource

    Fusion and Destroy costs:

    ResourceTo FuseTo Destroy
    Circuitwood500 BUDSCan`t be destroy
    Electrobronze2500 BUDS500 BUDS
    Neoferrum12500 BUDS2500 BUDS
    Cybergold62500 BUDS12500 BUDS
    Shadowstone312500 BUDS62500 BUDS
    Quantium SapphireCan`t be Fuse312500 BUDS

    So hope you enjoy this new update Kings!

    We also want to tell you that this features will take part in the forge on the near future. For now you will have all the Resources unlock to fuse and Destroy but when we release the forge update that will depend on your forge level!

    Current Events!!!

    Remember Kings that the KingdomFusion: Where Kings Create contest of this week is still running and you have time to participate until Thursday 00:00 UTC!

    Keep planting, cultivating, and let the competition thrive! 🌟❤️

    Upcoming News! 👀


    Support our curation program! Delegate HP to our account @hk-curation to receive vote post on the #hashkings tag and also BUDS rewards! It will be really helpful for us ❤️



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