MacMeal Show: New Series Episode 2

in greendeliverence •  5 months ago

    Watch the episode here.

    Greendeliverence Dutch
    MacMeal Show

    The Creation of the MacMeal Show

    After the Hive meeting of Dutch hivers ended, I had a craving for a McDonald's meal at the train station. However, when I got there, I discovered that the McDonald's had been moved. In that moment, I had an idea. Instead of buying a Big Mac meal, I decided to use that money to purchase a Splinterlands account and explore the possibility of leveling up the character with just a standard account.

    Playing during a storm

    Playing in a tent during a storm gives it some extra dimension in playing. I see that the bots have been better at playing 24/7 with only 1 time an hour. But Losing all the time is also a learning curve and a showcase it's not a road to easy money. play hard, play long, play smart and never give up


    I'm playing Splinterlands to earn some extra crypto. I'm thinking of streaming every day, showcasing how I lose time after time. I believe it will be entertaining.

    Splinterlands | Splinterlands Mobile | HowToPlay | Youtube | 3Speak | Patreon

    create hive blockchain account

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