Winter is Over and we are Looking Forward to Going Out!

in goals •  3 months ago


    It's been a long winter, as you can see below one day it even felt like minus 46. That means the electronics in your car freeze, the windows freeze, heating bills go way up and we stay indoors. Now with all that behind us, it's time to plan a busy Spring and Summer. You probably know most of my blogs are about travel and the outdoors, after a long winter, we are quickly running out of quality material to post about so it's time to do something about that.


    Many of us made New Year's resolutions and updated the progress at the end of the year. Here's my Last Quarter Update so now we can reflect on the first few months of the year to see how things have been comming along. You're going to have to scroll down to get to the financial goals because those are the least important for us. Our health is the most valuable asset we have and on the excercise front I'm doing okay.


    At least things aren't getting worse as I've tried to row or walk for 30 minutes per day. At about 100 days into the New Year, I've accomplished this 98 times, not bad! I gave up drinking for the first 80 days of 2024 and we avoided chocolate and chips during that period of low activity too. When you aren't hiking twenty kilometers a week or walking 5km every evening because of the cold, certain high calorie, unhealthy foods should be cut out period. This means no soda, booze, or crisps!


    Glad that's behind us because who wants to live like that, we love food. You might know we keep a healthy indoor garden, it's still going strong! A healthy body is just half of the equation, you also want to keep up a healthy mind. This year I am working towards another professional designation, it involves wealth and money which brings us to the second half of this post. Investing in the future!


    Duolingo is just for fun. We are learning conversational Spanish since as one flies south of here to those sunny destinations, knowing only English is just not enough to thrive on. Sure one can use apps, translators and stick to the major tourist areas, but if you want to chill and spend a lot of time away from Canada in the Winter, picking up another language is always useful. Duolingo is a decent way to quickly learn how to get by in a foreign country and hitting a 1000 day learning streak shows commitment.


    Now onto the Power Up and Saving part of the post. I'm trying to build my HP power up to 20,000 this year, a 500 hive powerup today should help a lot towards that goal. The Saturday Savers club is a great way to quantify one's goals. I aimed to get 100 EDS tokens, which already happened and now am focused on getting more Hive. 16,230 hive is no joke. adding 3770 in 9 months means just about 400 more hive per month. I get about 100 a month doing nothing (basic curating, inflation, etc.), with some effort, 200 a month from blogging isn't that difficult to achieve. So adding 100 a month or so from flipping tokens like EDS, ZING, POSH, etc or other non-hive tokens should be a piece of cake. Wish me luck and thank you for reading!


    Proof of HPUD

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