Is the "God of the Jews" the Father of Jesus?

in gnosticism •  4 months ago

    God as the Bad Guy

    One thing that I have practiced throughout my life (especially in recent years) is the ability to pick up something and examine it, considering what I see, feel and hear and smell. But also not inserting it into my mouth or smearing it all over my body.

    It's not fair to reject a thing that you don't understand. So it's worth understanding and seeing through the perspective that allows acceptance, without accepting it yourself.

    Condemnation before investigation is the height of ignorance.

    This One is Rough: You Have to Tolerate Blasphemy of the Biblical God

    This one is a challenge for me, simply because of the blasphemy of God's name. Examining and considering, is very different than believing or accepting. Also, when presented with a video or teaching that my instinct is to swat away, I feel it's that much more important to not ignore it.

    Reading ancient writings, like "Against Heresies" by Irenius, I don't presume they're heresies at all! Meaning, it's a toss-up between the doctrine of Irenius and the doctrine of the supposed heretics, who is sound int their logic and understanding. It is a fascinating and worthwhile journey.

    But I have to admit, this one is a tough one for me. Not because I have some sort of instinct that there's some sort of truth here, but because it speaks badly of the God whom I adore and worship. This is the very definition of blasphemy.

    My Personal Bias

    The God who saved the Jews in Egypt is the same God who saved me through Messiah.

    If that doesn't make me biased, I don't know what would.

    I'm putting my bias on full display here and I mean no disrespect for the individual who suggested I view this video. This is a video I can tolerate for a few minutes, pick it up, examine it, ponder, ask questions, consider scripture references, feel it, smell it.

    I can identify what it feels like, smells like, looks like, to know.... this is not a doctrine a person should put in their mouths.

    Jesus Describes the Biblical God as the Devil?

    This discussion came from some videos posted at the bottom of my previous post, warning about the god(s) of the US government. I watched the first of two videos and was shocked at the doctrine.

    From my perspective, this is stating that what I think of as Good is actually Evil. It's attempting to make the case that the God that I worship is the devil. I am all for exploring theories, I am all for considering "out there" concepts and ideas. But this doctrine makes me out to be an actual devil worshiper!

    Do I Actually Worship the Devil?

    Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5:20

    This is the God of the "Old Testament" speaking through Isaiah. "Woe to those... who put darkness for light." By twisting everything around, assuming this is an evil "god of this world", is Jesus the one putting "darkness for light" when He says "I am the Light of the world?" Is this how we are supposed to understand the prophecies of Isaiah?

    The first video is super short. The good news of the gospel is of no effect without the bad news of condemnation first. I grew up assuming that the Father God practices "gentle parenting", but the reality is that if we are serious in learning about the God of the Gospel, we have to read it all. This doesn't mean that our Father in Heaven is "mean", it means that he is Just. He is a good Father.

    We understand the Father of Jesus, through the Son of the Father.

    With "no judgment", Jesus the Son should have not wept over Jerusalem, nor overturned moneychangers, nor criticized Scribes and Pharisees, nor call them hypocrites.

    that day when, according to my gospel, God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus. Romans 2:16

    With "no condemnation", Jesus the Son should never have given the parable of the sinners at the gate where they said "but Lord..." his response is "why do you call me Lord, I do not know you" and they are sent away to where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.

    whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God. John 3:18

    With "no punishment" the Revelation of Jesus the Son is false, since the punishment for the ungodly is recorded there:

    if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire. Revelation 20:15

    With "no law", Jesus the Son would have been advocating Satan's doctrine of "Do as thou wilt is the whole of the law." Where there is no law, everyone becomes a law unto themselves, but universal biblical doctrine requires a certain doing of the law for justification (not to be saved but as a result of salvation). It is always lawless to murder, to steal, kill and destroy.

    it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law who will be justified. Romans 2:13

    Love and forgiveness are the heart of the Gospel, but with no judgment, or punishment or condemnation, there is no need for forgiveness! We do bad things, but they're not bad because God doesn't judge us! We do bad things but there's no condemnation because God doesn't condemn us! We do bad things, but there is no law as a universal standard to determine what is good or bad!

    The true God of the bible is both good and severe. He is full of love and forgiveness, but He expects a transformation of behavior. Otherwise His name is blasphemed. He receives glory either way - either by the righteousness of His people or by the destruction of the wicked. His free gift to us is to "take away our sins" and no longer be wicked and to learn and do that walk of righteousness.

    Consider therefore the kindness and sternness of God: sternness to those who fell, but kindness to you, provided that you continue in his kindness. Otherwise, you also will be cut off. Romans 11:22

    This is Sufficient in My Mind

    There's a lot more than could be said about this doctrine, but I think this is sufficient. I'm sure there are many passages of scripture that can be discussed, but overall it's like stretching a bunch of 1 inch pieces of Saran wrap over a 12" pan. It doesn't work.

    A Statement of Faith, Not Opinion

    The Creator God recorded in the Holy Scriptures is the same God as the Father of Jesus. He selected the Jews to be His people, but THEY rejected Him. A remnant has returned to Him and the door is still open for many more to return home. Those who have been faithful to the Word of God has been saved already. This same "God of the Jews" is the Father of Jesus and the Father to which believers pray "Our Father who art in Heaven"

    I am not a Jew, but Jesus is a Jew, His God is the God of the Jews, the one who has dominion over the earth, the one whom Paul writes of, whom Peter, James, John and Jude write of. Why would they quote scripture which describes a different God? I worship the King of the Jews, the Christ of Israel, the Son of David, the Son of God, the Son of Man.

    Does this make Jews perfect in every way? I think we know the answer to that. Are Christians perfect in every way? I think we know the answer to that too. How about the nation state of Israel? Should we trust THEIR government any more than we trust our government? We know the answer to that.

    But jew hatred is stupid. <-- now that's my opinion. :-)

    Thank you For Posting This Video

    I want to thank @wanderingmoon who posted this video for me to review. Even though I vehemently disagree with the doctrine, it's good to know this is being discussed and I appreciate it being brought up to me.

    Dipping the toe into the many reasons this doctrine is dangerously false would require a lot of posts and a lot of scripture. If I see this continue to pop up, perhaps it would be worthy of more time. But I felt it worthy of some investigation and perhaps worthy of deeper investigation - but not tonight, I'm tired.

    And I am thankful for the long-suffering kindness of the Most High, which He has for His creation as we sort out His Character, His attributes, His goodness and His NAME.

    Bless Yehovah, the Most High God, Creator of Heaven and Earth.


    Benjamin Turner: God fearer. Rooted in Messiah. Husband of @lturner. Father of SIX wonderful children. The guy behind the camera. Blockchain enthusiast.

    Bless the Most High!


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