Development:-The way to future

in gdsc •  3 months ago
    1. Immersive Technology Unraveled

    The development track at GDSC WoW provided a comprehensive dive into AR and VR. Sessions ranged from fundamental principles to cutting-edge applications, equipping attendees with tools to navigate this evolving landscape.

    1. Igniting Entrepreneurial Flames

    Entrepreneurship took center stage, with seasoned entrepreneurs sharing experiences and insights. Themes of resilience and innovation ignited a spirit of entrepreneurship in each attendee, from ideation to scaling.
    They said that for entrepreneurship u don't need a huge group even we can start with a us only.

    1. Gaming: Where Innovation Meets Entertainment
      Gaming sessions offered a feast of insights, from indie developers to industry veterans. Discussions on game development and user experience design showcased the dynamic intersection of technology and entertainment.
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