Proof there are no real civilians in Gaza

in gaza •  5 months ago

    Here is first hand testimony from an Israeli soldier confirming what the IDF has been saying that there are weapons and Hamas propaganda in every residence in Gaza.

    What you see on social media is nothing. in every house in Gaza, there's evidence of support and involvement in terror by Palestinian civilians considered 'uninvolved'.

    We found in homes rifles, combat knives, mines, missiles, Hamas symbols, pictures of Hamas leaders in the living room, tapes of terror events, children's games that teach to murder Jews, instructional books for terror.

    We found Nazi books, swastikas, certificates of appreciation for terrorists, inscriptions calling for the extermination of Jewish pigs, framed pictures of dead IDF soldiers and pictures of weapons in children's rooms.

    In most of the houses, there are tunnels, some have cellars storing weapons, and in some, we also found items belonging to the Israeli hostages".

    My brother noted, "Although I was aware of some hatred of the Palestinians towards us, I couldn't have imagined seeing such massive support and encouragement for terrorism and the murder of Jews".


    Note also the confirmation of this from other Israeli soldiers in the comments.

    This is all being documented in detail by hundreds of thousands of Israeli soldiers.

    The call up of 300,000+ reserves means that almost every Israeli has first hand contact with soldiers that have been in Gaza and have seen this evidence that Gaza is simply one huge genocidal military base. There are no real civilians.

    Many Israelis previously believed that co-existence was possible. Now, in the face of this evidence that the entire population of Gaza, and every aid organisation active in Gaza were actively supporting and involved in Hamas's genocide against Israelis, no one believes coexistence is possible.

    Israelis refuse to live alongside a society of genocidal Jew hating serial killers.

    Gazans must be resettled far away from Jews.

    It is the only viable solution.

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