Ladies of Hive Community Contest #183 - Fun times with friends

in friends •  3 months ago

    This week the @LadiesofHive - Contest #183 questions are:
    1️⃣ What was the last photo you took? Share it with us and tell the story behind it!
    ~ 𝐀𝐍𝐃 / 𝐎𝐑 ~
    2️⃣ What’s the funniest actual name you’ve heard of someone having?


    Today has been an extremely busy day since the time I woke up. I had an early start and dedicated my 2 hours to fitness practices. After that have been occupied in doing all the house chores. Tomorrow I fly to Mumbai and I will be away for 2.5 months so I need to make sure everything here back in Muscat is well sorted before I leave, so that hubby does not face any inconvenience. Before I get on to doing other things, I well finish of my posts first.

    The Last Photo I took and the story behind it
    It was a few days back on my friend son's bday. They had organized a kids bday party at Mac Donalds. He turned 7 and is a big cricket fan, so the theme of the party was also cricket. Though except for he and his father none of us were in any cricket attire including his mother. His cake was also with the cricket theme.

    For the party his friends were invited and some of us ladies were there for the party who are close to the family. Now my son is a grown up man and there are no more such birthday parties, but when he was small I too would have his bday party organized as per his wish and it would be a crazy scene managing all the children. I so miss those times, but then thankfully I still have many friends who have young children and they always invite me for these parties. That way I am living up these moments again.

    I was very excited to attend this bday party because he is my favorite nephew. Since the time he was born I have done a lot of baby sitting for him, so we have a strong connection. These connections with children are so beautiful. Whenever he wants something that his mother is not willing to buy he comes to me because I have a reputation of pampering children and fulfilling their demands...haha.

    On this day I did not click any pictures as I was occupied in helping at the party. At the end of the party when everyone was gone then we friends clicked this one picture.


    The funniest name I have heard
    This was in one of my jobs, I got to hear this name "Baby", when I heard it first time, I could not control my laughter. How can someone have a name "Baby", I mean a real name. It would sound so funny to call him. If it was a female it would still be ok, but this was a man. Then later I got to know that in one part of India this is a common name. I really could not believe. I would find it very odd to call him by his name, so I would always address his by his last name, that was more comfortable for me.

    Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸



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