Mirage: 2040 ...Part 14 ...Seeking Security

in freewriters •  4 months ago

    Security is the chief enemy of mortals.
    —William Shakespeare


    After spotting a trespasser on my property, I spent the rest of the night trying to reassure Creed that it was probably a one-off incident while I was surreptitiously peeking through curtains and checking doors and windows.

    But it would be absurd for us to claim we didn't feel vulnerable and so I decided to inform Ari in the morning and see what he might suggest.

    As it turned out he was meeting with Nestor Marx at lunch and said he'd raise the issue of security with him.

    My morning passed as usual with two lectures lasting until noon. Just after 1pm Ari dropped by my office to inform me Nestor decided to send a tech to set up a home security system complete with cameras, motion lights and an alarm system.

    "It will be at no expanse to you," Ari smiled, and added, " he can also set up street cameras to monitor the neighbourhood and protect the residents from outside intruders such as the citizens' vigilante groups. Can you be home today by 5 pm to allow the tech access to your property?''

    "Of course," I replied, "and thank Nestor for his concern. I'm meeting with the neighbourhood group tonight and I'm sure they'll welcome any security support he can supply."

    "This is incredible," Creed agreed when I told her the news on the drive home. "Why is Nestor being so generous with us?"

    I shrugged, "According to Ari, he wants to rally support to counter the government's attempt to take advantage of the Emergency by expanding their control and suppressing protests by civil rights groups."

    Her eyes shone. "We're fortunate to have men like Marx who are willing to stand up for free speech and democratic values . I'll certainly feel more secure with a security system to alert us and dissuade intruders."

    When we pulled into the driveway just past 5 pm, a young man was waiting in a white panel truck.

    "Professor Learner," he greeted me, "I've been sent to install your alarm system. I'll install solar panels on your roof connected to a Tesla Powerwall in your garage. The whole system is wireless, so you should be able to sleep securely tonight."

    I was flabbergasted and could only manage to thank him and let him into the house.

    At eight that evening I met with the neighbourhood group in the local church hall while Creed stayed behind to oversee the alarm installation.

    It turned out the residents were only too eager to have security cameras installed at key points around the neighbourhood and to implement watch teams to patrol as well.

    I was surprised by the militancy of my neighbours and their willingness to defend both their property and rights.

    By the time I got back home at 10 pm, the technician had left, the system was installed and both Creed and I felt more secure and in control of our lives.

    As the technician explained to Creed, the alarm system was a preventative measure not a panacea, but the reassurance it gave us guaranteed we’d feel a bit more comfortable when we slept.

    I knew there was no such thing as complete safety but I just wanted to be alerted to possible danger so I could prepare to take action if the need arose.

    To be continued…

    © 2024, John J Geddes. All rights reserved


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