Venturing Into The Unknown

in freewriters •  last month

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    Dylan had discovered an online community of urban adventurer's and had been reading about one find in particular that piqued his interest. He decided to drive to the destination. On the way he would take a quick detour from time to time checking other areas the would grab his attention, carefully describing each spot and then taking a few pictures.

    Upon finally reaching the destinations coordinates he pulled his binoculars from the glove compartment and started scanning the area. He spotted the clusters of cactus's and started walking toward them. Occasionally he needed the binoculars to be sure he was still going in the right direction because there was no road to drive on.

    Upon reaching the cactus's he then had to walk around looking for the cellar door. When he spotted it, he walked over and lifted it getting a cool breeze from underground. Dylan followed the stairs down and when he got to the bottom he was awestruck at the sight. It was an underground city. After wandering around feeling like he was in an abandoned amusement park he stopped at one particular door that was intricately carved with ornate designs. He quickly scrawled some notes into the notebook he always carried with him and took a few pictures. It was then that he noticed a bobby pin almost completely obscured by the welcome mat and he new he was in for a treat of discovery.

    I was not feeling very inspired after such a busy week and I almost did not get this far. I tried several ideas but was looking for something that would take less then thirty minutes to do. I ended up discovering digital story dice. Now it is after ten p.m and I need to break for the day. I think this weekend I will take it easy while still coming up with something to post daily. Maybe next week I will post about what actually happened this week. Needless to say it was a good thing and I feel accomplished.

    Thank you for reading this and I look forward to engaging with you in the comments. If you are coming from outside of hive and enjoyed my content, please consider supporting me.

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