Middleton, U.S.A. …Part 24 …Baiting the Hook

in freewriters •  3 months ago

    Her lips touched his brain as they seemed to touch his lips, as though they were a vehicle of some vague speech and between them he felt an unknown pressure, darker than the swoon of sin, softer than sound or odor.
    ― James Joyce


    I showed up at the Middleton Police headquarters as the detectives requested, only to have an officer show me out to a mobile unit adjacent to the station.

    I was met there by Noah Spencer and Maggie Mitchell, the detective team working on Bane's case.

    I don't know what I expected—maybe two men in crumpled suits looking like Columbo, but certainly not a young guy with wavy hair and friendly grin, nor his partner, with a lioness mane of dark hair, tight designer jeans and a leather jacket which made her look more like a cool biker chick than an investigating officer.

    "Don't be put off by our temporary quarters," Noah smiled, "but we're staying aloof from the local police for security purposes."

    Maggie smirked and muttered something under her breath that sounded like a curse word.

    "He means, we don't know who's on the take, or if the whole damn force is compromised. Bane's a power broker in this town."

    She turned to face me and I could see she was incredibly beautiful, despite the heavy use of mascara and her rough demeanour.

    Noah just smiled and gave a slight shrug as if to say, Who's fooling who? We don't trust anyone in this burg

    I had to admit I felt confident in this pair—they were opposite in temperament but weirdly seemed to complement each other.

    And they weren't Keystone Cops, but sophisticated undercover operatives.

    I almost felt sorry for Bane—I knew this pair would be professional and thorough.

    There was nothing hidden they wouldn't find and they wouldn't be intimidated.

    Noah's manner was cool and businesslike. "We need you to assist us by cooperating with Bane and reporting what you see."

    "How are you feeling about getting involved?" Maggie asked, "You eager or scared?"

    "I'm intimidated by Bane—I have to admit, he scares the hell right out of me."

    "That's good, " she nodded, "you need to keep your guard up working with this guy—he’d as soon kill you as look at you if you got in his way."

    It was the way she said it, off-hand and matter-of-fact that chilled me to the bone. No doubt about it, Bane was playing for keeps.

    She read my expression and leaned in close to whisper, so I close I could almost taste her lipstick.

    "But you don't have to worry, Love, if he so much as threatens you, he'll have to answer to me and believe me, I won't be gentle."

    She stared into my eyes as much as to say, I won't be gentle with him as I am with you.

    I was mesmerized by her magic and completely under her sway.

    When I glanced over at Noah, he was grinning. He knew I was under her spell and probably witnessed this dozens of times.

    I didn't care, I was enthralled and couldn't disguise it even if I tried.

    To be continued…

    © 2024, John J Geddes. All rights reserved


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